Monday, January 31, 2022

BW/4HANA Cockpit

In BW4 an good old t-code RSA1 is replaced and most of its functions are basically moved to web environment via FIORI app called BW/4HANA Cockpit or sometimes as BW Fiori Launchpad. It serves as an entry point for BW4 administration. The cockpit was shipped with BW/4 version 1.0 SP08 for first time. It can be started by t-code BW4WEB from SAP GUI or directly in web browser by accessing an URL:


Installation of the cockpit is normally part of BW4 server installation. It involves an activation of BW monitoring and modeling UI based on SAP_UI 7.54 - component BW4-UI. For the activation, a task List called SAP_BW4_LAUNCHPAD_SETUP needs to run via t-code STC01. Roles that need to be assigned to user in order to make the cockpit available for them need to have an following authorization objects included: S_BW4_REST, S_SERVICE, S_RS_ADSO, S_RS_IOBJA, S_RS_PC, S_RS_DTP. Notice that there needs to be SAP Fiori Tile Catalogs and SAP Fiori Tile Groups assigned to the users and user roles on the Menu tab in t-code PFCG.

Many admin tasks can be performed from there like data loads (process chain, DTP) monitoring/scheduling/modeling etc. The tasks are clustered into so called groups in which the particular apps reside. The app is represented by the FIORI app. Following are basic groups and apps:

Group                    App

Modeling                 PC Editor

                              Process Variant Editor

                              Analysis Authorization Editor

Monitoring               Process Chains - Display Dashboard

                              Process Chains - Display Latest Status

                              Process Chain Runs


                              Remodeling Requests

                              Data Volume Statistics

                              Data Selection Statistics

Data Administration  DataStore Objects - Manage Requests

                              InfoObjects - Manage Requests

                              External SAP HANA View

                              Data Tiering Summary

                              Data Tiering Maintenance

Data Protection        Data Protection Notifications

                              Data Protection Worklists

All available application can be seen as BSP Apps in BW’s backend in development package BW4_UI5_TOOLS.                              


A personalization of the cockpit is available for the user. A new FIORI tiles can be added/removed from the cockpit. On home screen, there is an Edit Home page button under user’s avatar icon. A web page is rendered with a view allowing adding/renaming/reordering the group or tile. Moreover, there is an App Finder that serves to lookup other tiles/apps.

In addition there are several settings that user can maintain under Settings area. Some of them are related to: appearance (Design of the FIORI), language/region/date/time format, user’s name, email address, switching on/off collecting user’s history and information about the system itself (IP address, server address, version of system/kernel/database.

A notification can be consumed in the cockpit as well. The notification is to be displayed according the user’s role. This only works if the notification are switched on in backed system customizing.

My take: although I still prefer to work in SAP GUI while working on BW’s administration tasks (see my post about t-code RSMNG which allow a some kind of data target administration in SAP GUI in BW/4 based systems) I find the web cockpit useful. For basic admins stuff like just checking PC’s status, it can be very useful. In case I need to dig deeper into data like analyzing it I prefer SAP GUI. However, I can imagine myself to work only with the cockpit going forward.

Related t-codes:

BW4CHECK             Check BW/4HANA Cockpit Setup (ABAP prg: BW4_UI5_IFC_CONSISTENCY)

BW4WEB                 Launch BW/4HANA Cockpit (ABAP prg: BW4_WEB_SHOW)

BW4_WEB_START    BW/4HANA: Web UI Entry Point (ABAP prg: BW4_WEB_START)

More information:

Online docu

SAP software component: BW4-UI (Maintenance & Monitoring User Interfaces)

Configuring the SAP BW∕4HANA Cockpit

Authorizations for Working with the SAP BW∕4HANA Cockpit

Apps in the SAP BW∕4HANA Cockpit

2861491 UI problem in BW/4HANA Cockpit persists after implementation of a note

2918492 FAQ: BW/4HANA 2.0 Cockpit Setup

2922364 FAQ: BW/4HANA 2.0 Cockpit Notifications

2926199 Error activating ODATA Services using SAP_BW4_LAUNCHPAD_SETUP

2998821 Configuration of BW/4 Cockpit incomplete

3037823 -FAQ: BW/4HANA 2.0 Cockpit Authorizations

3124344 BW/4HANA Cockpit activation fails

Friday, January 28, 2022

SAP CAL and its solution types

SAP CAL (Cloud Appliance Library) enables a deploying of SAP solutions on hyperscalers. In other words it servers for a purposes of SAP system preparation to be running in cloud environment of hyperscaler of a customer's choice. Normally customers face challenges while preparing systems for cloud deployment. It is a very lengthy process that involves activities like: infrastructure setup, install IS, install DB for SAP system, install SAP system itself, Basis configuration of the SAP system, install Support Packages/patches on the SAP system, testing of the system, etc.

In case the customer is aiming for test drive of the SAP system, doing proof of concepts projects, custom development, demo systems for trainings etc such a lengthy process is not acceptable.

To save the time the CAL can be used instead. What the CAL offers is the SAP system that pre-configured and ready-to-use type of system in form of image that can be spin up in hyperscaler's cloud environment.

Currently there are 48+ solution available via the CAL. For ABAP developers there is also an offering of SAP ABAP Platform 1909, Developer Edition available. This can be an option for people who do not have laptops with 32+ GB of RAM to install the ABAP development system on their own hardware.


There are following types of solutions (aka charging models) available at the CAL:

Free solutions:

1 Educational solution (EDU): for educational purposes normally running for a length of course on e.g.,


2 Developer solution (DEV): length of usage depends of particular terms of conditions of developer agreement.


3 Free trial period solution (TRIAL): length of usage is free for certain period (e.g. 30days). After that free period, a subscription period needs to be unlocked.


Paid solutions:

4 Subscription period solution: usage length is driven by the subscription period that can be bought at SAP store. Customer must have own license for certain SAP solution.


5 SAP Model company (MC): Prepackaged system for a specific industry or line of business as an example how an digital transformation in specific industry can be achieved. See Notes: 2568464 - Master Note - SAP Model Company, 2516683 - Installation of Model Company Appliances.


More information:


CAL wiki

CAL docu

CAL info page

FAQ Solution Types and Charging Model

SAP Cloud Appliance Library: creating an instance in AWS - YouTube

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

BW4: Maintain a process chain variant in web

Normally in BW/4HANA based system, most of BW administration activities are performed in web environment. The BW4 has a REST API Framework that does that. The web administration environment is called SAP BW∕4HANA Cockpit (aka “BW Fiori Launchpad”) and it can be start from the SAP GUI via t-code BW4WEB.

SAP supports BW
admistrators to move from SAP GUI based administration to web administration. One of the places where this initiative can be notices is t-code RSPC1. In BW/4 based systems there is a new icon the t-code toolbar. The icon is associated with tooltip called “Show chain in web-UI (Shit+Ctrl+O)”.

Same function is available via menu: View -> Show Chain in Web-UI (Shift+Ctrl+0).

What it does is that it opens a new SAP GUI session with the SAP BW∕4HANA Cockpit’s page of particular PC – so called Process Chain Editor.

Technically the function is implemented by a call of FM RSPC_CHAIN_MAINTAIN_WEB in ABAP include LRSPC_FRONTENDI01. The FM first constructs an URL of REST API Framework by calling a Uniform Resource Identifier registry () and then rendering a web browser instance by creating an GUI container. There are two buttons available on this screen (called Display WebSite). One button is to open the same URL in separate session of the web browser.

Other button is to display URL of the PC administration web page in pop-up window. Technically the URL is the same that BW∕4HANA Cockpit uses.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Launch AfO from SAP GUI

Here is a brief blog post regarding t-codes that enables launching of Analysis Office (AfO) from SAP GUI.


t-code          ABAP prog                       Description

RAAOE          RS_AAOE_LAUNCHER         Launch Analysis Office Excel

RAAOP          RS_AAOP_LAUNCHER         Launch Analysis Office PowerPoint


Both t-codes in background are running 2nd ABAP report: RS_AO_LAUNCHER. That one can be also run standalone as well. It has following selection screen:

As you can see, the selection looks the same regardless of what t-code was used to launch it. Just a description of the report (title) is different: Analysis Excel Launcher vs Analysis PowerPoint Launcher.

Following are fields available on the selection screen:

Client Only – Launches just either Excel or PowerPoint w/o opening any reports. User can login to SAP BW system and open reports from the Excel / PowerPoint.

Document – Opens Excel or PowerPoint with AfO document (workbook) specified in input field below called Document

Query – Opens Excel or PowerPoint with BEx/BW Query specified in input field below called Query

Query View – Opens Excel or PowerPoint with BEx/BW Query View specified in input field below called Query View

Notice that Document/Query/Query View field is showed/disabled depending in which position the radio button is switched to.

Monday, January 17, 2022

New BW Search in SAP BW on HANA or BW4/HANA

As of SAP BW 7.4 SP 08 there is a new BW search available. It is delivered via t-code RSOSM called as “BW Search on SAP HANA” and it is associated with ABAP program RSOSN_MAINTENANCE. Its purpose is to enable search within BW repository (TLOGO objects) and their relationships via where-used type of search.

On its overview screen the RSOSM t-code shows a status of the BW search. That means whether it is active. Button on the t-code toolbar called “Deactivate/Activate” can switch the search on and off. In addition, how many TLOGO objects types are maintained for the search. Furthermore, there are number of views shown that are indexed by the search: Total Number of Views, Metadata Views and Where-Used Views.


There are two more buttons on the t-code toolbar:

1 Search Metadata –ABAP program RSOSN_SEARCH, can be used to search within the data prepared by BW search.

2 Search Where Used –ABAP program RSOSN_WHEREUSED, same as above but it is used to search within where-used data.


Three buttons on bottom of t-code screen:

1 Configure BW Search – settings related to BW search itself are possible to be customized here. E.g. Settings related to buffer: Buffer disabling, Time Until Buffer Entry is Outdated (s), Maximum Number of Buffer Entries. Related to runtime settings: Store message of each run in application log, Store runtime information of each run. In addition, some more related to detail settings: Write overall data to shared buffer, etc.

2 Configure TLOGO Object – More BW’s TLOGO object types can be added for search from here. Notice that not all TLOGY types are supported by the BW Search.

3 Configure Association Type – enables associations between certain TLOGO types that use a generic store in order to store the usage of other objects. Example of associations type can be e.g. KEYF in ELEM = Basic Key Figures in Queries, CHAR in ELEM = Basic Characteristic in Queries etc.


As in BW4/HANA administration of the BW takes place in web environment, also the BW search is represented there. A tile called “BW Search is available in SAP BW∕4HANA Cockpit (aka “BW Fiori Launchpad”) that can be start from the SAP GUI via t-code BW4WEB. Furthermore within the FIORI app there are two tabs available: Search Objects and Search Where-Used which corresponds to two buttons available in the t-code RSOSM itself.


In BW system below BW4/HANA systems there is also t-code RSOS_SEARCH (ABAP program RSOS_TREX_SEARCH) that serves same purpose as button Search Metadata in RSOSM t-code.


More information:

Online docu 1

Online docu 2 - Using BW Search

2031355 - Enhancements and problem solutions for SAP BW 7.40 SP8 (SAPBW74008)

Thursday, January 13, 2022

How to uninstall SAP ABAP add-on

In case of upgrade a BW system to BW4/HANA a requirement to uninstall an SAP ABAP add-on may popup. Reason is that BW4/HANA has simplified code base when comparing to BW Classic (versions up to version 7.5). Given that, not all add-ons that are running on the BW Classic are running on BW4/HANA too. For an overview what are add-on that are supported on the BW/4 see SAP Note 2189708.

Briefly, the add-on is an application that is depended on other application. Means it is installed on top of another application. The add-on software component is installed in addition to the main software components; it is an optional part of an SAP system. For more details see here.

The add-ons are installable and some of them also uninstalable. Even most of SAP Notes dedicated to installation of the add-on is saying something like ”Before you install xxx add-on, keep in mind that you cannot uninstall ABAP add-ons.”. But certain condition must be met. The uninstallation means physical deletion of the add-on software component, including any component objects and data created by the component. As the objects that were brought into the system via the add-on can be used in custom development an uninstallation can be tricky. Needless to say that the uninstallation can lead to SAP system inconsistencies and data loss. Thus, always check the uninstallation scenario in sandbox system before deploying it to productively used landscape.

Technically the uninstallation can be done in SAP Add-On Installation Tool (t-code SAINT). There a tab called “”Uninstallable components” is available. Select the component for uninstall and hit Continue button. The component throughout the uninstall process goes to Uninstallation queue. On Start options window normally select Default options. At the end of activity, it needs to be confirmed by Finish button. Always check related SAP Notes for the uninstallation.

In case of BW4/HANA the unsupported add-ons are related to PI Basis, BI Content, BI Extended Content, SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management), BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation), TM (Trade Management), FSCM (Financial Supply Chain Management), DISCLMG (BusinessObjects Disclosure Management - BI Connector) etc. Again, see SAP Note 2189708.


More information:

2189708 - SAP BW/4HANA Add-On Handling and Usage

2011192 Uninstallation of ABAP add-ons - list of ABAP add-ons that can be uninstalled

2505027 - Uninstallation of add-on SEM-BW 700, 748, and above

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Revisions of SAP BW/4HANA migration tools

SAP is offering a set of tools to help migration of BW systems to SAP BW/4HANA. So called readiness check is needed to be performed first to find out if there are an objects present in the system that are not supported by the BW/4HANA and thus they need to be reworked before the migration itself. Here are the tools that supports this task:


1 t-code RSB4HCONV - SAP BW/4HANA Transfer Cockpit (BW/4 Conversion) aka* SAP BW/4HANA Transfer Toolbox or Toolbox for conversion, program RS_B4HANA_CONVERSION_CONTROL, main SAP Note 2383530 - Conversion from SAP BW to SAP BW/4HANA

2 t-code RSB4HTRF - Transfer of Scenarios aka* Transfer of Scenarios program RS_B4HANA_TRF, to set the BW4 transfer scenario: in-place/remote/shell. See here.

3 t-code RSB4HAPD - APD Transformation Tool, program RS_B4HTAPD_ANALYZE

4 t-code RSB4HAPDR - APD Conversion Remote, program RS_B4HTAPD_APD_LIST

*- as there are several names of the tools mentioned in the SAP Notes, here I put “also known as” ones too


The tools are delivered via so-called revisions. The revisions are represented by SAP Notes. Each of the Note is normally dedicated to specific phase of BW to BW/4HANA conversion like: discovery/prepare, explore/realization, pre-check, source, in-place, target, code scan, post-conversion, etc.


As of 2022.01 there are following revisions available:

Note 1: that this is not comprehensive list of the revisions, there may be much more of then that these. Therefore, always upgrade the BW4 tools to the latest revisions available!

Note 2: I was trying to determine what tool does the particular SAP Note bring the revision to. However, in case of some revisions it was not clear. That is why some of the Notes are not associated with the tool name. Rule to decide what is the tool where does it below to should be that if it is in-place or target it is Transfer of scenarios tool.

2503455 - BW4HANA: Starter add-on changes (Transfer Toolbox Version 1)

2508989 - BW4HANA: Starter add-on changes (Transfer Toolbox Version 1 - INPLACE)

3066387 - Revision 1 - PREPARE_BW4 - SOURCE and PREPARE scopes of the transfer tool from BW/4 to Data Warehouse Cloud BW Bridge

2478899Revisions (Corrections) 1 & 2 on BW/4 Transfer InPlace Tasks

2586774 - Tools 2: APD (PREPARE), version 2 of APD Transformation Tool

2509205 - Revision 3 on BW/4 Transfer Toolbox InPlace Tasks

2537300 - BW4HANA: Starter add-on changes (Transfer Toolbox Version 1, Revision 4 - ADDON)

2555390 - Revision 5: ADDON Fixes of BW/4 in-place conversion (Transfer Cockpit) in systems where it is not possible

2594459 - Revision 5: (Transfer Cockpit) ADDON4750 (checks only), same as above but for BW systems of versions 750 and SP Level between 05 and 11

2555584 - Version 1.5 (Revision 5) of the SAP BW/4HANA Transfer In-Place Tasks (Transfer Cockpit)

2608859 - Revision 6: ADDON4750, Pre-Check Tasks of the Toolbox for Conversions to BW/4

2637856 - Revision 7: ADDON, Pre-Check Tasks of the Toolbox for Conversions to BW/4

2689663 - Revision 7 Hotfix: Table Fields missing for InfoSet Transfer

2637796 - Revision 7 - PREPARE & SOURCE of Transfer Toolbox

2726886 - Revision 8 – TRANSFER, revision Toolbox for Conversions to BW/4

2726850 - Revision 8 - PREPARE & SOURCE (Toolbox for Conversions)

2749972 - B4H conversion: Code scan report (revision 9), Transfer toolbox

2751585 - Revision 9 - INPLACE und TARGET

2748962 - Revision 9 - PREPARE & SOURCE

2792595 - Revision 10 - INPLACE und TARGET

2777672 - Revision 11: new check tool (7.3 - 7.5), Transfer of scenarios

2847587 - Revision 11: ADDON (7.5), Transfer Cockpit

2860021 - Revision 11 - PREPARE & SOURCE, Transfer Cockpit

2876024 - Revision 12 - CODESCAN, check program (RS_B4HANA_LOG_DISPLAY) for BW to BW/4HANA migration readiness. It scans ABAP code in the BW system and store all findings in a DB tables and is more flexible as the old application log-based check. More information about the scanning tool is available in Note 3119274 - Code Scan tool for migrations to BW/4 HANA.

Also older ABAP program RS_B4HANA_CODE_SCAN can be used. However, the older one does not store data to the DB tables. It uses SLG1 logs instead

2876006 - Revision 12 - PRECHECK

2876013 - Revision 12 - ADDON < 7.50, Transfer Cockpit

2908621 - Revision 13 - ADDON_750, INPLACE und TARGET, Transfer of scenarios

2940373 - Revision 14 - SOURCE und PREPARE, Transfer Toolbox

2940365 - Revision 14 - ADDON_750, INPLACE and TARGET, Transfer of scenarios

2964092 - Revision 15 - ADDON_750, INPLACE und TARGET

3001909 - Revision 16 - PRECHECK (please note: There are no Revisions 13, 14, 15 for PRECHECK)

3044301 - Revision 17 - ADDON_750, INPLACE and TARGET

3044272 - Revision 17 - PRECHECK

3044273 - Revision 17 - SOURCE and PREPARE, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer.

3075477 - Revision 18 - SOURCE and PREPARE, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer.

3075502 - Revision 18 - ADDON_750, INPLACE and TARGET, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer

3102493 - Revision 19 - SOURCE and PREPARE, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer



More information:

Converting BW system to BW/4HANA

Tools for migrating to SAP BW/4HANA

Wiki - New Features SAP BW/4HANA conversion

3061594 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP BW/4HANA

2575059 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP BW/4HANA

Sunday, January 9, 2022

BPC clear cache in case BPC Web Client issues

BPC Web Client is a software module used by both BPC Standard and BPC Embedded. It may happen that after an upgrade of the BPC Web Client that was done standalone (not as part of BW/BPC component) the BPC client is not being displayed in web browser.

In this case a cache of the BPC application server needs to be reset. There are following two URLs that are supposed to be executed in a web browser:





From BPC NW 10.0 a SICF service /default_host/sap/EPM_BPC/web is referring to link /sap/bpc/web. Thus, the URLs like below are supposed to be functioning:




From BPC NW 10.1 where the UI is moved to UI5 the sICF service was changed to /default_host/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/bpcwebclient and is referring to link /sap/epm/bpc/web. Thus the two URLs look like:


How to find out BPC version via URL

Today just a quick tip on BPC version. In case you have only access to web part of BPC – web access to BPC web client there is a way to find out what version the BPC server is running on. The way I am talking about is purely via running dedicated URL. In case the particular BPC system runs on UI5 see below URLs for the BPC version 10 and 11.


For BPC 11.x:


For BPC 10.x:


Just a side note as Adobe Flash is not deprecated it is no very likely that there are still no UI5 based (but flash) BPC system still ruining. However, in case you are still on older version e.g. BPC 8 the URL should look like below. Although I can’t test it as not having an access to such a system.


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Action canceled. Not supported in BW4HANA edition.

While working in BW4/HANA based BW systems one can see below information/warnign/error message displayed.

Action canceled. Not supported in BW4HANA edition.

Message no. RSB4HANA001


The message with the technical ID RSB4HANA001 may appear in several occasions. When the BW system detects, a BW object that is not supported by BW4/HANA the message is shown. Just to name a few of the occasions:

1. on attempt to create an BW object in “old fashion” in BW/4. By old, it is meant a BW objects that are not supported in BW/4 any more.

From modelling objects perspective it is classic DSO, InfoCube, Hybrid Providers, PSA objects that are replaced by aDSO, then MultiProv and InfoSet are replaced by CompositeProviders, then InfoCubes type of Virtual by Open ODS Views.

From Source System type perspective DB Connect, UD Connect, SAP (BODS) Data Service, BAPI based were replaced by HANA Source System, then SAP ECC (e.g. SAPI based Extractors), BW source system and web services based system re replaced by ODP source system type.


2. in t-code RSPLAN on attempt to maintain 'Central Settings' / 'Characteristic Relationship' / 'Data Slice'. This function of the RSPLAN is replaced by BW Modeling tools in SAP HANA Studio. Better message to display would be “... can only be edited in the BW Modeling Tools in Eclipse” but that is another story. However, there is an workaround how to still use the RSPLAN instead of the SAP HANA Studio. Into a t-code field just enter NOHDB value and the RSPLAN will still work. No need to use the Studio in that case.


3. in t-code RSB4HTRF (Transfer of scenarios). The message is shown in case the BW/4HANA Starter Add-On is not installed in the system yet.


How technically the system is evaluating whether to throw this message? By a call of method GET_B4HANA_SWITCH in class CL_RS_B4HANA_UTIL. The method returns value of a “switch” (to what level the BW is already switched to BW4/HANA mode) that can be either 0 = Standard BW mode, 1 = Compatibility mode (prepare) or 2 = BW4/HANA mode (data type RSB4HANA_SWITCH). In case of returned value is different from 2 or 1 then the message is shown.

This post complements my other blog post that discuss ABAP programs/tools that are obsolete BW/4HANA.

More information:BW/4HANA obsolete tools

Saturday, January 1, 2022

What is SAP Ruum?

SAP Ruum (or Ruum by SAP) is software-as-a-service solution that ties a team productivity with enterprise business processes. It was founded by a team of SAP employees in 2016. Financing was secured by a seed funding in the SAP.iO Venture Studio - that is SAP’s internal incubation program.

It started as a tool providing collaboration and project management features (Project Management as a Service type of solution). This included features of a task management, timelines, file storage and team collaboration. The solution can be integrated with other collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams and Box Inc.

Its name "Ruum" associates with room/ruum - a collaborative space for users and their teams to manage their work or project.

Later it evolved features of departmental workflows. For this, the SAP Ruum is leveraging Cloud Platform Workflow Management. It uses an automation element (RPA) for some mundane, repeatable tasks.

In addition, the solution includes also low-code/no-code process management platform. An aim is to empower non-technical users to build, integrate, and run departmental processes without compromising IT security.

To sum up its features:

Key features of the new business process automation tool include:

- lightweight project management workspace

- AI-driven automation

- integration with business processes


Concerning the latest point – positioning the Ruum as low-code/no-code solution. It will be interesting what solution SAP will potentially end up with. Because in this area there are already solutions like Mendix (partnership announced at SAP TechEd 2017 in Las Vegas) and Appgyver (acquired in 2021.02) in SAP’s bucket.


More information:


SAP News on Ruum

SAP’s joint ventures over years

Here’s a list of joint ventures companies that SAP has formed over the years. For a list of companies that SAP has acquired proceed here. For the list of companies that SAP has divested over the years, follow here.

04/2021SAP Fioneer – in partnership with investment company Dediq Gmbh. The JV company runs a dedicated Financial Services Industry (FSI) unit. 

1996 - Sapphire Ventures – started as investment arm of SAP under name SAP Ventures. In 2011 the company did a split from SAP and was also renamed. SAP still keeps it presence via co-financing their funds. E.g. in 2021 they contributed to a new Sapphire Ventures fund “SAPPHIRE Ventures Fund VI”.

More information:

SAP’s acquisitions over years

SAP’s divestments over years