Friday, August 31, 2007

SDN NetWeaver Subscriptions program

SAP’s online developer community which is a part of SAP ecosystem called SDN is launching NetWeaver Subscriptions program. Once the program will be introduced you can obtain through this subscription program an access to the full SAP NetWeaver stack - for a subscribed period paid by a reasonable subscription fee. SDN means by term NetWeaver stack following components: Developer Studio, Development Infrastructure, ABAP stack, BI, XI, MDM, Portal, VC... The solution will not be some online access to servers which are running NetWeaver but subscriber gets a box with the DVDs, but also access to the Service Marketplace, the OSS, the Enterprise Services Workplace and the Virtual TechEd sessions, and SDN is promising a lot of other useful things (premium presence in the forums). More information about the motivation to this program can be found in this blog and you can register yourself to program here.

SAP homepage redesigns through the years

Let's remind the design of SAP's homepage evolution.

One of some very first homepages at early 1996:
Version of 1977:
In 1998 the new dimension products were introduced:
More tabstripped style of homepage came in 1999:
Year 2000 e-business slogan arrived:
Year 2001 the best-run e-business run SAP slogan came in reality:
Year 2002 – when SAP’s classics layout of its web pages was introduced: horizontal menu under left side logo and right pane:
Year 2003 just a quite lot of new marketing slogans were introduced like:
And many more…
Year 2004 – classics layout was changed, horizontal menu became vertical:
Year 2005: change in the most famous slogan, e-businesses became businesses:
Up to year 2007 there were a few minor changes in pages layout till June 2007 when SAP is abandoning its blue base colors and gets more bright colors in there:
Around beginning of year 2010: 

Around May 2011, catching up the newest trends, e.g. all major social media-networks integrated:

Year 2022:

P.S.: has been used to capture some of screenshots.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Saturday, August 4, 2007

BW Go live Optimization report

SAP AG always recommend to performing the SAP Going-Live Checks for your production system. Depending on the phase of your project, these checks, offered by SAP, analyze the hardware sizing, check the configuration of the server and components, find performance bottlenecks, and verify the capacity of CPU and memory. The results of the checks are issued in a report (approximately 50 pages) provided by SAP.

EP Going-Live Check Analysis Session (GA) - The GA session checks whether the available hardware is sufficient for the planned workload. Recommendations for the component settings are made.

EP Going-Live Check Optimization Session (GO) - The GO session simulates workload on the system and identifies performance bottlenecks and potential risks.

EP Going-Live Check Verification Session (GV) - The GV session checks the behavior of the production system after going live and provides appropriate recommendations.

What does such a GO session report contains in case of BW system is depicted below. The purpose of the session is to analyze most important InfoCubes and Queries, and to assess any potential problems in system. SAP takes few InfoCubes and Queries and makes this session based on them. Report may have following structure:

  1. BI Overview checks
    1. BI Administration and design

1. Data distribution

2. Analysis of InfoProviders

3. Analysis of aggregates

4. Recommendations for BI

5. BI Statistics

    1. BI Reporting and planning

1. BI Runtime Statistics

2. Analysis of Query Definition

3. Analysis of OLAP Cache

4. Frontend Servers

    1. BI warehouse management

1. Upload Statistics

2. Process Chains - Runtime Overview

3. Source System Settings

  1. BI application checks
    1. Optimization of InfoProvider

1. InfoCube 1

2. InfoCube N

    1. Analysis of reporting and planning performance

1. Report 1

2. Report N

  1. Upload checks for
    1. Configuration for BI uploads

1. Important SAP Notes for data upload

    1. Process chains

1. Chain: 1

2. Chain: N

For more information check out