Saturday, April 30, 2016

Statistics of BEx Query Views

This is very common case. BW users are using BEx Query Views created by them and BW admin would like to analyze how the query views are utilized in the BW system. The query views are a modified view of the data for a BEx query. In some system it is very used functionality. Users adjust the query by their needs and they just keep them using.

As BW administrator we usually do assessment of how users are using the system. This can serve as base for further clean ups in the system. For example queries that are not used shall be deleted in the system. This approach can be advanced also to the Query Views. But how to analyze a usage of the Query Views? Naturally one may turn to BW Statistics. Unfortunately the BW statistics doesn’t support the Query Views. Although this is not official information there are forum posts on SDN which may suggest that SAP confirmed that currently (the post is from 2011) and even now (2016) the function is not available for the Query Views. Also you can encounter SDN forum posts saying that statistics of the query views are available via tcode ST13 -> tool name: BW_QUERY_USAGE. However this is not case either.

So how to solve the issue? The only way I can think of is to look at the statistics of the BEx Query which is providing the data for to the Query View. So whenever is the to the Query View run by the user this cause also the run the query on which the query view is based on. So by analyzing BW Statistics of the query we can get an overview how the query view is used.