Friday, February 28, 2025

SAP Business Data Could (BDC)

On Feb 13th 2024 SAP hold an event (SAP Business Unleashed) where a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution in area of data management called SAP Business Data Could (BDC) was announced. The solution is marketed as an evolution of SAP capabilities of planning and analytics solutions like SAP Datasphere, SAP Analytics Cloud, and SAP Business Warehouse. All these are unified with Databricks’s capabilities of data engineering and machine learning/AI.

What is Databricks? It is a data lakehouse (portmanteau of "data warehouse" and "data lake") solution that unifies data warehouses and data lakes on one platform. By handling data, analytics, and AI workloads.

By mixing of SAP data management portfolio with Databricks customers get:

- Unified Data & Analytics to combine SAP & non-SAP data

- Scalability & Performance with Apache Spark and serverless

- Delta Sharing for data access across platforms, clouds and regions

- Robust AI & Machine Learning Tool Set


With this new announcement does it mean that SAP Datasphere is dead?

With Databricks now deeply integrated into SAP, does SAP Datasphere still have a role, or is it redundant? Business Data Cloud is rather the next iteration of DataSphere. However, it can turn out that some features will not be build in the Datasphere but rather in Databricks. Thus, for some use cases the Datasphere may become obsolete.


Release of SAP Business Data Cloud:

Version 1.0 General  1.0     Feb 13, 2025


More information:

Press release

Press release 2

BDC landing page

BDC product tour

Online docu

Databricks announcement

Databricks paper - Lakehouse: A New Generation of Open Platforms that Unify

Data Warehousing and Advanced Analytics

Thursday, February 6, 2025

BW transport issue: object locked despite transport is released

Recently I saw a situation where object was not able to be included into the transport. System was indicating that the objects is locked via pop-up message (TK117):

Object XXX locked for request/task <SID>Kxxxxxx

Choose ‘Display object’ or ‘Cancel’.

However, the object was not locked by any transport neither task. The transport that the error mentioned was released and moved across the landscape long time ago.

To solve this issue, I went to t-code SE03 then in menu Requests/Tasks -> Unlock Objects (expert tool) and via this I was able to unlock object.

Notice that 1st option – Unlock Object List needs to be selected. Transport Request/Task input field needs to be populated with the task no of the Transport Request in which the error message indicates that it is locked in.


Behinds the scenes what this t-code is doing is to remove a lock entry from table TLOCK (Change and Transport System: Lock Table). The table basically holds all the objects that are locked in the TRs. In my case for some reason while I released the TR the lock entry wasn’t removed from the table. And it is not known to me what was that reason…


Doing further research about the error I found also SAP Note 2537981 - SE13 | TK117 | Request lock on nonexistent task/request, rep ZSLA_DELETE_ORPHANED_TLOCK_2. The Note describes how to removed the lock entry (so called orphaned lock) for LIMU TABT objects.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

What is ABAP Cloud?

In 2023, ABAP – SAP’s proprietary programming language celebrated 40 years anniversary.  Nowadays there it is its latest evolution – ABAP Cloud. But what exactly it is?

The ABAP Cloud is the latest evolution of the ABAP programming language. It is modernized version of traditional language designed for cloud-native development in SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) and as well as for hybrid setups where both on-premises (e.g. SAP S/4HANA editions) and cloud SAP systems coexist (side by side or extensions). It is the SAP's effort to bring their classic ABAP programming language and development tools into the cloud era.

It is not a new product but an evolution of the ABAP development model, enabling cloud-based solutions and extensions while adhering to modern development principles.


Features of the ABAP Cloud

·        Clean Core Principle: It enforces strict development guidelines that prevent modifications to standard SAP code, encouraging the use of extension points and APIs instead. This makes upgrades and maintenance easier.

·        Cloud-Optimized/Native support: It provides built-in support for cloud services, RESTful APIs, and modern web technologies while maintaining compatibility with traditional ABAP syntax. Focuses on principles of cloud computing, such as scalability, security, and high availability.

·        Restricted ABAP: Operates within a "restricted ABAP environment," which ensures that development aligns with cloud principles by enforcing the use of modern and safe ABAP practices. It prevents the use of older, system-dependent, or unsafe techniques. See ABAP Strict and ABAP language versions blog posts.

·        Development Model: It supports both on-stack (in the core system) and side-by-side (on SAP BPT) scenarios, allowing developers to create cloud-ready extensions and applications.

·        Core Elements:

·        ABAP Cloud incorporates essential components like:

o   Core Data Services (CDS) for data modeling and embedded analytics.

o   ABAP RESTful Application Programming (RAP) Model for business logic and service development. Programming model specifically designed for building modern, cloud-native business applications.

o   SAP Fiori and OData Integration: It is optimized for building SAP Fiori applications and RESTful services using OData. This aligns with SAP's UX strategy and the shift toward API-first development.

o   Cloud-optimized ABAP language syntax and tools.

·        Tools: Developers use ABAP Development Tools (ADT) in Eclipse as the integrated development environment (IDE).

·        Extensibility: Enables building of side-by-side extensions for SAP applications, such as SAP S/4HANA Cloud, without modifying the core application. This approach ensures that updates and upgrades to core systems are seamless.


Use cases of the ABAP Cloud

·        Modernizing legacy ABAP Code: Transitioning older ABAP developments to a cloud-ready format while adhering to best practices and SAP's guidelines.

·        Custom apps: Building entirely new applications to meet specific business needs, leveraging SAP BTP services.

·        Extensions: Extending the capabilities of SAP S/4HANA Cloud or on-premise systems without modifying the standard SAP codebase.

Steampunk vs. ABAP Cloud

It’s essential not to confuse ABAP Cloud with Steampunk (or Steampunk Embedded). The ABAP Cloud was initially introduced in steampunk or back then called “SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment” (approx. in 2018). Then the steampunk is internal name for the ABAP environment in SAP BTP, which offers a subset of classic ABAP functionality optimized for cloud development. Since then, the ABAP Cloud became also available in all SAP S/4HANA editions means it is present on the SAP S/4HANA stack.

Umbrella term 'ABAP Cloud' doesn’t mean development in the SAP BTP ABAP Environment. Rather it is more about cloud-ready development standards which also apply to on-premise or on-stack extensions to keep the core clean.

What to add? In a nutshell it is new cloud-ready ABAP development model. The ABAP Cloud is an SAP’s next step on a journey from classic ABAP to ABAP Cloud and perhaps, eventually to ABAP AI perhaps?


More information:


ABAP Cloud what does it comprise

ABAP Cloud Technical use cases and recommended technologies

Saturday, January 4, 2025


In one of my earlier posts, I described ABAP program called RSPROCESS. However, there is also a program RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS. Both are serving similar purpose in SAP BW systems. They are used to managing certain BW processes. As described in that other blog post the RSPROCESS executes process variant of process chain. For various types of process variant of the PC see this post or refer to table RSPROCESSTYPES.

On other hand the RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS program is used for managing BW processes in terms of individual batch process. It is often involved in specific data warehousing activities such as data loads, DSO (DataStore Object) activations, and parallel processing. RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS is typically scheduled as a background job to handle these tasks efficiently.

Selection screen of the RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS.

Automation for SAP BW configuration tasks

ABAP Task Manager (aka Task Manager for Technical Configuration) is part of the ABAP stack that serves for purposes of execution of an automation task lists for various configuration tasks in automated way. It is available in SAP ABAP Platform/ABAP NetWeaver Stack backend via t-codes STC01 (ABAP task manager for lifecycle management automation), STC02 (Task list run monitor). As an example of task lists that exists in the Task Manager are automation of following activities: system copy, post system copy (PCA – Post copy Automation), initial system setup, system check, FIORI setup, embedded search, etc. Of course, in SAP BW systems there are task lists also available for SAP BW tasks automation.

ABAP Task Manager is only the runtime for the execution of the automation task lists. For most of automation tasks there is also needed corresponding automation content, which are offered by SAP as well. The content contains the tasks itself. Below are listed few examples of the SAP BW related task lists:


SAP_BW_HOUSEKEEPING                         Activities associated with regular BW system maintenance           


SAP_BW_AFTER_MIGRATION                     Activities following the successful migration of a BW system 

SAP_BW_AFTER_UPGRADE                       Activities following the successful upgrade of a BW system           

SAP_BW_BASIS_COPY_INITIAL_CONFIG      Initial Copy for BW and BW Source Sys – Cleanup and Configuration

SAP_BW_BASIS_COPY_REFRESH_CONFIG    Sys Refresh of BW/BW Source Systems Export/Cleanup/Import/Conf

SAP_BW_BEFORE_MIGRATION                    Activities prior to the migration of a BW system       

SAP_BW_BEFORE_UPGRADE                       Activities prior to the upgrade of a BW system         

SAP_BW_COPY_INITIAL_PREPARE               Preparation for Initial Copy of BW System   

SAP_BW_SETUP_INITIAL_CONFIG               BW Initial Setup Task List 

SAP_BW_SETUP_INITIAL_S4HANA              BW Initial Setup Task List for S4/HANA

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_CHECK_CLOUD_RMT  Collect and Check BW objs whether they are compatible to BW Bridge

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_CHECK_CLOUD_SHL   Collect and Check BW objs whether they are compatible to BW Bridge

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_CHECK_INPLACE        Collect and Check BW objects whether they are compatible to BW/4

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_CHECK_REMOTE        Collect and Check BW objects whether they are compatible to BW/4

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_CHECK_SHELL           Collect and Check BW objects whether they are compatible to BW/4

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_CLOUD_REMOTE        Activities to be performed in original sys of remote BW4Cloud-Transfer

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_CLOUD_SHELL           Activities to be performed in original sys of shell BW4Cloud Transfer

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_INPLACE                   Transfer BW objects to be compatible to BW/4

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_READY4CONV            Transfer IOs & Open Hub Destinations to be compatible to BW/4

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_REMOTE_PREPARE     Activities to be performed in original system of remote BW4-Transfer

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_REMOTE_SHELL         Activities to be performed in original system of shell BW4-Transfer

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_SEM                         Tasks to Transfer SEM-BW objects to be compatible to BW/4

SAP_BW4_TRANSFER_SEM_SHELL              Transfer SEM-BCS objects & BW objects w/o data into remote sys


While the task list is being executed the BW system triggers job within following naming convention: BW_TASK e.g. job BW_TASK_20241105082934000005000


More information:

Automated Initial Setup of ABAP Systems Based on SAP NetWeaver

ABAP Post-Copy Automation for SAP BW Configuration Guide

1829728 - BW housekeeping task list

3349077 - [BW Central KBA] Systemcopy / Refresh