Monday, May 31, 2021

Table RSADMIN parameter analysis

Over the years t-code ST13 -> BW tools has been developed a lot. It was introduced since BW 3.5 SP19 and as SAP BW was enhanced in my features a new features were adding into it.

Here’s how the t-code looks like in the recent versions.

BW 74 or 75:

BW4 2.0:

In this blog post, I would like to explore a ST13 BW tools’ feature called “RSADMIN Parameter Analysis”. The feature is coded in routine called RSADMIN_ANALYSIS within ABAP program /SSA/BWT. There is almost 6k of ABAP code lines that are populating many parameters/values of table RSADMIN. The routine output structure corresponds into the ALV grid that is displayed in the t-code after the analysis:


OBJECT              RSADMIN parameter name itself. E.g. /SAPAPO/DEBUG_FLAG

DEFAULT_VALUE  parameter value, e.g. L or R = Read; S or W = write;

NOTE1               Related SAP Note No, e.g.  302937

NOTE2                as above, if there are more SAP Notes related to the same param

TEXT1                Text related to param, e.g. Debugging APO/SEM/CRM/BPC read/write interface in BW 3.x,7.x

TEXT2                 as above                           

AREA                 BW App area of the param on SAP ONE support site, e.g. SAP BW-BEX-OT-DBIF

VERSION_LOW    Lowest BW version that the param is valid from, e.g. 30+

VERSION_HIGH   Highest BW version that the param is valid to, e.g. 700

CATEGORY          Analysis


The feature it-self enables to see if particular param is applicable for the system. Those which are not are displayed as disabled items in the output grid. It allows to quickly displaying relevant SAP Note that describes the particular param in more detail. There is an overview of the default values for the params, from/to BW version that param is valid for, category, etc.

Although the tools is not very dynamic (as all the RSADMIN table are hardcoded); it also doesn’t allow analysis of what current param values are present in the RSADMIN table it is a nice tool that provides a brief overview of the params.

More information:

Suite of helpful BW programs – BW Tools (ST13->BW-TOOLS)

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