Sunday, March 24, 2024

Simple Snowflake to SAP BW data flow via SNP Glue

I was recently involved in a data transformation project leveraged SNP Glue tool. The SNP Clue (formerly Datavard Glue) is designed to integrate and connect various SAP systems and non-SAP systems, facilitating data exchange, synchronization, and consolidation.

In my scenario we used the Glue to transfer the data located in Snowflake system in the cloud to on-premise based SAP BW4/HANA system. There are a couple of the Glue objects that need to be developed to enable the information exchange between the Snowflake and the SAP BW/4HANA.

1. Glue Storage

2. Glue table

3. SAP table

4. Glue Fetcher

5. Glue Consumer

6. Glue Extraction Process

7. SAP BW Datasource

8. SAP BW target infoprovider – e.g. aDSO


All these objects are developed in SAP BW system where the Glue tool is installed. Main component of the Glue is a Cockpit (SNP Glue Cockpit) that can be access via t-code /DVD/GLUE (ABAP program /DVD/GL_MAIN). Here all other parts of the Glue can be accessed from. The Glue can be also installed as add-on too. In this case there is a component called Glue in the particular installation of the SAP BW.

1. Glue Storage – it is a central object that encapsulates all information needed to connect to the remote object where the data will be read/write – from/to. The Storage is an SNP objects that is shared between their tools (e.g. SNP Outboard). Below are settings that are needed to be provided to the Storage object in order to connect to the Snowflake. There is a dedicated t-code (/DVD/SM_SETUP) to maintain the storage. There are 2 storages that need to be defined for connection to the Snowflake:

1.1 Internal Glue Storage

Storage ID – logical name, defined by the Glue developer, usually must follow a naming convention given by particular developer guideline

Storage type – predefined as SNOW_STAGE, type binary

Description – free text, should be describing e.g. meaning of data that is being transformed

Java connector RFC – id of connection to JAVA connector (JCo). The JCo is mandatory and it must be installed in SAP BW system in order to use the Glue. Similarly as Storage it-self the JCo connection are shared across different SNP tools. There is a special t-code (/DVD/JCO_MNG) to setup and control the JCo connections.

Account name - name of the Snowflake account, in the format: <account name>.<region>.<platform>

User role – haven’t used this

JAVA Call Repeat – 0 by default

Repeat delay (seconds) - 0 by default

Driver path – path to the JDBC Snowflake driver, located at SAP server

Connection pool size – 0 by default

Username – user at Snowflake side

Password – of the user above


1.2 Glue Storage

Storage ID - logical name, see above in internal storage. Notice that the ID is different from the ID used in internal storage.

Storage type - predefined as SNOWFLAKE, type TAB, for transparent storage

Description – see in internal storage

Referenced storage – id of internal storage, main storage uses internal one

Java connector RFC - see in internal storage

JDBC Call Repeat – 0 by default

JDBC Repeat delay (seconds) – 0 by default

Account name - see in internal storage

Warehouse – existing warehouse in the Snowflake account, WH that will be used to perform computing operations like SQL in the snowflake

Database name – name of the database in the Snowflake

Database schema – name of the database schema in the Snowflake

User Role – user role in the Snowflake

Driver path – Snowflake drive path in SAP server

Hints - string that is added to connection string when JDBC driver establishes the connection

Connection pool size – 0 by default, number of connections that can be kept open in the pool

File Type – CSV or Parquet, I used CSV type

Table name prefix - prefix of all Glue tables created within this storage

Use Snowflake App for data merge – haven’t use it, if enabled, the SNP Native app is used

Wrap values in staged CSV files - haven’t use it

Data delivery guarantee – EO (Exactly-once), Data transfer behavior


All other Glue objects listed below are maintained in Object Navigator part of the SNP Glue Cockpit. The objects navigator can be accessed by dedicated t-code - /DVD/GL80.

2. Glue table – can be also maintained in dedicated t-code /DVD/GL11. The Glue table is metadata object, which represents the remote object (Snowflake view in my case). It allows to work with the data from that remove object in the SAP landscape. It contains a list of the columns from table or view of in remote DB. Again in my case it is a list of the columns in my Snowflake DB’s table. The Glue Table must be activated before it can be used in other Glue objects. This table doesn’t store data at SAP side persistently. The data is only read from remote DB when the extraction process runs.


3. SAP table – SAP system DDIC table that stored the data physically once it is fetched from the remote DB. The data is stored persistently in here.


Below objects (fetcher, consumer and extraction process) are part of the Glue Extractor 2.0.

4. Glue Fetcher - allows data transfer from source to target objects. It refers to the SAP Glue Table objects. It defines weather particular columns in remote table/view is used for selection. Further it defines what delta mechanism type is used (FULL, DATA, TIMESTAMNP, VALUE, VALUE_ DIST). In my case I used FULL extraction and cursor as well.

5. Glue Consumer – comes into the picture when the data is written into the target. In my case it specifies the SAP Table I created in step no 3.

6. Glue Extraction Process - object responsible to run whole process from reading the data from the source (by the Fetcher) to writing the data by Consumer. The Extraction Process can also be used to manage the execution of extraction and monitoring of launched extractions. It has similar capabilities like running DTP process or process chain in SAP BW.

Here the Fetcher and Consumer need to be specified during a design time. Whole process is driven by generating a Z* report. You can find the report name in Generated report name field. There is also possible to define a data transformation by specifying the rules and start/end routines. In my case I haven’t used any routines neither any transformation. I used just pure 1:1 mapping.

7. SAP BW Datasource – in my scenario I created a custom DS to be able to store data into the BW aDSO object. The DS was based on the SAP table object I created in step no 3.

8. SAP BW target infoprovider – e.g. aDSO that is my final storage of Snowflake data in the SAP BW. This is an object I used further for reporting – over composite provider.


To run the data replication from the Snowflake to the SAP BW/4HANA I used a process chain. The 1st step in the chain was to run Glue extraction process. By this I got the Snowflake data to SAP Table. From there I used DTP to load the data to my aDSO.


More information:

SNP Glue product page

SNP Glue documentation

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