Friday, March 29, 2024

Activation of SNP Glue objects after transport

In my last blog I wrote about SNP Glue transport.  Once the Glue objects are moved to the target SAP system there is one more step to be executed before the objects are ready to be used. It is so called objects activation step. It can be performed in dedicated t-code (/DVD/GLTR - DataVard Glue Transport Workbench). There is a button called Activate Request in the toolbar.

Once you hit that button you get a pop-up window to provide a TR which objects are to be activated.

Next pop-up lists out all the objects that are in that TR. One can choose if particular objects is to be activated or not. Also there is a possibility to delete the Glue objects by selecting Delete checkbox. One more check box is to be checked if the objects are new and are to be created/changed. 

Once this pop-up is confirmed the objects are being physically activated and afterwards the objects are visible in Glue Object navigator – t-code /DVD/GL80 and are ready to be used.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,
thanks for sharing ,
Now I can fully understand more about SNPGlue transport object.