It is very popular and of course very
reasonable among BW developers to add custom messages to monitor table of DTP.
Adding those you can easily indicate what went wrong during the load or just
point out an warning to support person who monitor the loading. I’m explaining
how particular message can be added into the monitor in this
DTPs are having limitations. I proved my
self about this e.g. in case of limitation
of DTP filter or ABAP
dumps. After I did one upgrade
project to version 7.3 I found another limitation of DTPs. This time it is related
to no of messages that can be posted into monitor. I’ve seen customer
transformations having complex logic and storing a lot of monitoring records.
Those records we re later on analyzed and based on e.g. no of particular error
or warning different action was to be triggered. We had there more that 10.000
monitoring entries. Such a DTP ran fine in BW version 7.0 but not anymore in
7.3. Whiel analyzing this issue I found following 3 SAP
Status about monitoring entries in DTP’s
monitor in BW 7.3 SP03+ is following:
You can store up to 9.900 monitoring
entries. However system defaults no of entries to 9.000 for each data package. Means if system reached no of messages 9.000 there
are only messages type of error added. If system added another 1.000 error
messages; so no of 9.901 is reached system dumps (MESSAGE_TYPE_X in the Method
ADD_MESSAGE of the class CL_RSBM_LOG_DTP_DP). However to obey limit of 9.000
you need to customize how many of entries are allowed for DTP. You need to customize
this in table RSBKADMIN. Put your value no greater than 9900 into field MESS_NO_9000
of this table. If you want to force system to add also warning or information
messages into the log after it hits 9.000 entries you need to customize this as
well in table RSBKADMIN. You need to put values like AEXW (A-abort, E-error, X-exit,
W-warning) into field MESS_TYPES_9000.