I wrote already several blog posts related to miniSAP or in other words test version of SAP software. Just to mention some of them:
Some other terms used to refer to miniSAP are Sneak Preview, Test Drive, Preview Version, Trial Version, Technology TestDrive, Technology Preview.
After you installed it you get initial license valid for 30 days. You might wonder where to register your installation in order to get it running for longer period. That’s because normally you have just those 30 days in which your miniSAP installation will be running until license expires. There is an SAP site dedicated to license request and by this site you get a key which allows you 90 days more of enjoying miniSAP.
www.sap.com/minisap same as this:
sap.com/technology/minisap same as following page:
point to this site:
where you make license request.
P.S. Please notice that main page for all SAP evaluation software is located @SDN: