Friday, August 31, 2007
SDN NetWeaver Subscriptions program
SAP homepage redesigns through the years
One of some very first homepages at early 1996:
Friday, August 10, 2007
Unsucsessful BI projects
Have you ever worked for such a project?
Saturday, August 4, 2007
BW Go live Optimization report
SAP AG always recommend to performing the SAP Going-Live Checks for your production system. Depending on the phase of your project, these checks, offered by SAP, analyze the hardware sizing, check the configuration of the server and components, find performance bottlenecks, and verify the capacity of CPU and memory. The results of the checks are issued in a report (approximately 50 pages) provided by SAP.
- BI Overview checks
- BI Administration and design
1. Data distribution
2. Analysis of InfoProviders
3. Analysis of aggregates
4. Recommendations for BI
5. BI Statistics
- BI Reporting and planning
1. BI Runtime Statistics
2. Analysis of Query Definition
3. Analysis of OLAP Cache
4. Frontend Servers
- BI warehouse management
1. Upload Statistics
2. Process Chains - Runtime Overview
3. Source System Settings
- BI application checks
- Optimization of InfoProvider
1. InfoCube 1
2. InfoCube N
- Analysis of reporting and planning performance
1. Report 1
2. Report N
- Upload checks for
- Configuration for BI uploads
1. Important SAP Notes for data upload
- Process chains
1. Chain: 1
2. Chain: N
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