Sunday, September 24, 2023

SAP PowerConnect

SAP PowerConnect for Splunk is a tool to capture data about an events in SAP systems and upload it to a Splunk software in real time. The data is analyzed to and visualized as SAP telemetry intelligence in the Splunk. The SAP telemetry provides analytical information on efficiency of the systems of SAP in a local and cloud environment.

The PowerConnect tool was originally developed by BNW Consulting. This company was acquired by SoftwareOne in 2019. Splunk company was acquired by cisco in 2023.

Technically the tool is developed in /BNWVS/* namespace as a software component BNWVS.

Following are example of jobs running in SAP systems that are part of the SAP PowerConnect.






More information:

PowerConnect documentation

PowerConnect on splunkbase