Friday, July 17, 2020

MD maintenance: maximum number of hits

Webdynpro app of master data (MD) maintenance can be sometimes annoying as there is max number of hits defined as 200. That number is sometimes not very convenient. I understand that had to put something in there to prevent performance issues, timeouts etc. However, perhaps some higher number would suit the purpose better.

Luckily, there is an option how to override that default setting of 200. First, there can be an parameter introduced into RSADMIN table called RSDMDM_MAX_NO_HITS. This parameter started to appear in BW version 7.4 SP16. Setting the parameter the no of the hits becomes valid system wide. As always, when it comes to BW switches a user parameter wins over RSADMIN parameter. Thus, it is possible to setup user value via menu System -> User Profile -> Own Data. It must have same name as the RSADMIN table parameter - RSDMDM_MAX_HITS.

If no value exists for the user parameter and if no RSADMIN table parameter value is maintained, 200 is used as the maximum number of hits, by default.

More information:
2344879 - InfoObject master data maintenance: Configuring maximum number of hits system-wide

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