Friday, July 24, 2020

Populating BW hierarchy description from custom ABAP code

I recently developed a transformation that generates BW hierarchy on top of InfoObject. I did it via hierarchy transformation type – means source object IO was type of hierarchy and target as well. BW transformation that generates the hierarchy used a custom ABAP code. Within that code I populated the tables for the hierarchy like below.

table1: Hierarchy header
table2: Hierarchy header description
table3: Hierarchy data itself – all the nodes and leaves
table4: Texts of hierarchy text nodes
table6: Text of hierarchy text levels

It took me some time to figure out that I have to use table 2 for these kind of BW hierarchy description. Before I was trying to use also table6 but the system just ignored it. Once I adjusted my ABAP code to populate the table2 there was one more error message.

More than one text specified for hierarchy header for language EN
Message No. RH608

This error was caused due to long text that I populated to some of the fields in the table 2. Once I shortened it, it work fine. Note that depending if you are using Start/End routine there will be either result_package_2 or source_package_2 only.

result_package_2 VALUE #BASE result_package_2 (
'PARENTH1 hier'
) ).

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