Thursday, January 13, 2022

How to uninstall SAP ABAP add-on

In case of upgrade a BW system to BW4/HANA a requirement to uninstall an SAP ABAP add-on may popup. Reason is that BW4/HANA has simplified code base when comparing to BW Classic (versions up to version 7.5). Given that, not all add-ons that are running on the BW Classic are running on BW4/HANA too. For an overview what are add-on that are supported on the BW/4 see SAP Note 2189708.

Briefly, the add-on is an application that is depended on other application. Means it is installed on top of another application. The add-on software component is installed in addition to the main software components; it is an optional part of an SAP system. For more details see here.

The add-ons are installable and some of them also uninstalable. Even most of SAP Notes dedicated to installation of the add-on is saying something like ”Before you install xxx add-on, keep in mind that you cannot uninstall ABAP add-ons.”. But certain condition must be met. The uninstallation means physical deletion of the add-on software component, including any component objects and data created by the component. As the objects that were brought into the system via the add-on can be used in custom development an uninstallation can be tricky. Needless to say that the uninstallation can lead to SAP system inconsistencies and data loss. Thus, always check the uninstallation scenario in sandbox system before deploying it to productively used landscape.

Technically the uninstallation can be done in SAP Add-On Installation Tool (t-code SAINT). There a tab called “”Uninstallable components” is available. Select the component for uninstall and hit Continue button. The component throughout the uninstall process goes to Uninstallation queue. On Start options window normally select Default options. At the end of activity, it needs to be confirmed by Finish button. Always check related SAP Notes for the uninstallation.

In case of BW4/HANA the unsupported add-ons are related to PI Basis, BI Content, BI Extended Content, SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management), BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation), TM (Trade Management), FSCM (Financial Supply Chain Management), DISCLMG (BusinessObjects Disclosure Management - BI Connector) etc. Again, see SAP Note 2189708.


More information:

2189708 - SAP BW/4HANA Add-On Handling and Usage

2011192 Uninstallation of ABAP add-ons - list of ABAP add-ons that can be uninstalled

2505027 - Uninstallation of add-on SEM-BW 700, 748, and above

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