Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Revisions of SAP BW/4HANA migration tools

SAP is offering a set of tools to help migration of BW systems to SAP BW/4HANA. So called readiness check is needed to be performed first to find out if there are an objects present in the system that are not supported by the BW/4HANA and thus they need to be reworked before the migration itself. Here are the tools that supports this task:


1 t-code RSB4HCONV - SAP BW/4HANA Transfer Cockpit (BW/4 Conversion) aka* SAP BW/4HANA Transfer Toolbox or Toolbox for conversion, program RS_B4HANA_CONVERSION_CONTROL, main SAP Note 2383530 - Conversion from SAP BW to SAP BW/4HANA

2 t-code RSB4HTRF - Transfer of Scenarios aka* Transfer of Scenarios program RS_B4HANA_TRF, to set the BW4 transfer scenario: in-place/remote/shell. See here.

3 t-code RSB4HAPD - APD Transformation Tool, program RS_B4HTAPD_ANALYZE

4 t-code RSB4HAPDR - APD Conversion Remote, program RS_B4HTAPD_APD_LIST

*- as there are several names of the tools mentioned in the SAP Notes, here I put “also known as” ones too


The tools are delivered via so-called revisions. The revisions are represented by SAP Notes. Each of the Note is normally dedicated to specific phase of BW to BW/4HANA conversion like: discovery/prepare, explore/realization, pre-check, source, in-place, target, code scan, post-conversion, etc.


As of 2022.01 there are following revisions available:

Note 1: that this is not comprehensive list of the revisions, there may be much more of then that these. Therefore, always upgrade the BW4 tools to the latest revisions available!

Note 2: I was trying to determine what tool does the particular SAP Note bring the revision to. However, in case of some revisions it was not clear. That is why some of the Notes are not associated with the tool name. Rule to decide what is the tool where does it below to should be that if it is in-place or target it is Transfer of scenarios tool.

2503455 - BW4HANA: Starter add-on changes (Transfer Toolbox Version 1)

2508989 - BW4HANA: Starter add-on changes (Transfer Toolbox Version 1 - INPLACE)

3066387 - Revision 1 - PREPARE_BW4 - SOURCE and PREPARE scopes of the transfer tool from BW/4 to Data Warehouse Cloud BW Bridge

2478899Revisions (Corrections) 1 & 2 on BW/4 Transfer InPlace Tasks

2586774 - Tools 2: APD (PREPARE), version 2 of APD Transformation Tool

2509205 - Revision 3 on BW/4 Transfer Toolbox InPlace Tasks

2537300 - BW4HANA: Starter add-on changes (Transfer Toolbox Version 1, Revision 4 - ADDON)

2555390 - Revision 5: ADDON Fixes of BW/4 in-place conversion (Transfer Cockpit) in systems where it is not possible

2594459 - Revision 5: (Transfer Cockpit) ADDON4750 (checks only), same as above but for BW systems of versions 750 and SP Level between 05 and 11

2555584 - Version 1.5 (Revision 5) of the SAP BW/4HANA Transfer In-Place Tasks (Transfer Cockpit)

2608859 - Revision 6: ADDON4750, Pre-Check Tasks of the Toolbox for Conversions to BW/4

2637856 - Revision 7: ADDON, Pre-Check Tasks of the Toolbox for Conversions to BW/4

2689663 - Revision 7 Hotfix: Table Fields missing for InfoSet Transfer

2637796 - Revision 7 - PREPARE & SOURCE of Transfer Toolbox

2726886 - Revision 8 – TRANSFER, revision Toolbox for Conversions to BW/4

2726850 - Revision 8 - PREPARE & SOURCE (Toolbox for Conversions)

2749972 - B4H conversion: Code scan report (revision 9), Transfer toolbox

2751585 - Revision 9 - INPLACE und TARGET

2748962 - Revision 9 - PREPARE & SOURCE

2792595 - Revision 10 - INPLACE und TARGET

2777672 - Revision 11: new check tool (7.3 - 7.5), Transfer of scenarios

2847587 - Revision 11: ADDON (7.5), Transfer Cockpit

2860021 - Revision 11 - PREPARE & SOURCE, Transfer Cockpit

2876024 - Revision 12 - CODESCAN, check program (RS_B4HANA_LOG_DISPLAY) for BW to BW/4HANA migration readiness. It scans ABAP code in the BW system and store all findings in a DB tables and is more flexible as the old application log-based check. More information about the scanning tool is available in Note 3119274 - Code Scan tool for migrations to BW/4 HANA.

Also older ABAP program RS_B4HANA_CODE_SCAN can be used. However, the older one does not store data to the DB tables. It uses SLG1 logs instead

2876006 - Revision 12 - PRECHECK

2876013 - Revision 12 - ADDON < 7.50, Transfer Cockpit

2908621 - Revision 13 - ADDON_750, INPLACE und TARGET, Transfer of scenarios

2940373 - Revision 14 - SOURCE und PREPARE, Transfer Toolbox

2940365 - Revision 14 - ADDON_750, INPLACE and TARGET, Transfer of scenarios

2964092 - Revision 15 - ADDON_750, INPLACE und TARGET

3001909 - Revision 16 - PRECHECK (please note: There are no Revisions 13, 14, 15 for PRECHECK)

3044301 - Revision 17 - ADDON_750, INPLACE and TARGET

3044272 - Revision 17 - PRECHECK

3044273 - Revision 17 - SOURCE and PREPARE, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer.

3075477 - Revision 18 - SOURCE and PREPARE, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer.

3075502 - Revision 18 - ADDON_750, INPLACE and TARGET, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer

3102493 - Revision 19 - SOURCE and PREPARE, BW/4HANA transfer tool needed for in-place, remote and shell transfer



More information:

Converting BW system to BW/4HANA

Tools for migrating to SAP BW/4HANA

Wiki - New Features SAP BW/4HANA conversion

3061594 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP BW/4HANA

2575059 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP BW/4HANA

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