Monday, March 20, 2023

Reassigning of Process Chain’s InfoArea

When I needed to reassign a process chain (PC) between infoareas (IA) I was always struggling. Only way, how to do it I knew; was a drag and drop type of thing in backend t-codes like RSA1, RSPC1, etc. In this way, I moved my PC within the IA’s tree from current IA node to new one. In case a distance between the old and new node was quite big I ended up with moving the mouse until I got into the new IA. And sometimes it took even couple of minutes to get there.

However, with an introduction of BW Cockpit the PC’s IA reassignment gets a lot more easier. There a functionality built in the BW Cockpit to do it very easily. While in Process Chain Editor part of the BW Cockpit there is a Properties button on top right part of the page.

The button shows up a dialog window where an InfoArea can be easily changed to new one among other attributes of the PC. The information of the assigned IA is saved in table RSPCCHAINATTR and column APPLNM.

More information:

How to find out InfoArea for particular BW object type – in BW/4 systems?

BW’s InfoArea vs Application components

BW/4HANA Cockpit

Other posts on Process Chains topic

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