Friday, November 11, 2022

BW Object Status - OBJSTAT

Many BW objects use so called concept of Object Status. It indicates whether the object is active and is usable (e.g. executable) in the system. Let’s take an example of a DTP object. In addition to Object Version information and Indicator of Saved/Not Saved and there is the Object Status for each of the DTP in the system.

There are following values that the Object Status information can consist of:

ACT = active, executable. An object with this status can be executed or used.

PRO = productive. This status is a one step further from ACT, but is currently not yet implemented in the BW systems.

INA = inactive. The object is not executable/useable. This is the case, for example, if

·        object has been created and saved for the first time, but has not yet been activated,

·        object firstly has to be revised after changing one of the others.

OFF = switched off. The object is not useable. It was deliberately switched off so as not to appear, for example, in the list of useable objects.

DEL = logical deleted

<blank> =  DTP doesn't exist


Statuses ACT and PRO are the ones that indicate that the object is executable/useable.


Technically the BW tables contain column OBJSTAT that refers to ABAP DDIC domain RSOBJSTAT that is type of CHAR 3. In case of the DTP object the table that stores Object Status information is RSBKDTPSTAT (Status Information on Data Transfer Process).

Some other BW objects that use concept of the Object Status are BW query components, InfoSources, BW Formulas, Application components, ABAP routines, Open Hub Destinations, BPC model, BPC environment, Remodeling Rules, HANA Analysis Processes, Directory of InfoAreas, InfoObject catalogs, Directory of all InfoObjects, Open ODS View, Process Chains, Planning Sequence, Transformations, Workspaces, info cubes, etc.


More information:

Object Version

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