Tuesday, November 3, 2020

BW templates for generation of runtime objects

Runtime versions of BW objects are generated based on generic templates. The templates are represented as ABAP includes. They usually follow namespace RSTMPL*. Few examples:


IO object related templates:

RSTMPLIHEADER - Template for generation of the IOBJ routines (header)

RSTMPLIMDT - Template for generation of the IOBJ routines (master data / texts)

RSTMPLIOBJ - Template for generation of the IOBJ routines (generated)

RSTMPLIR - Template for generation of DB routines for basic chars

RSTMPLISID - Template for generation of the IOBJ routines (SID)


The runtime version is normally generated upon creation/activation of particular new BW object. However in case there is any ABAP code change done in the source code of the template (e.g. correction delivered by a new Support Package or by an upgrade) then the generation status of all programs that were generated based on changed template is reset. In such a case, in the BW system one can observe message like see 'Program code does not match the runtime version (generation status set)'. In particular, for BW transformation this can be seen in RSA1 while on Transformation screen in menu Extras -> "Display Transformation Program".

This means the generation status needs to be set. This can performed in several ways:

1. Manual object reactivation: In case of development system, the object can be reactivated by switching to Edit mode and activating it.

2. By object execution: During the execution of the load in case object is transformation or DTP

3. By special ABAP tools: There are some ABAP programs available in the BW system to be used for regeneration of the runtime objects, few examples:

RSDG_RSTMPLIR_GEN_ALL - Regenerates the master data update routines of the characteristics (IOs) generated based on the template 'RSTMPLIR'.

RSDG_TRFN_ACTIVATE - Reactivation GP* report of BW transformation.


More information:

1907561 - Program code does not match the runtime version (generation status set)

1790338 - Lock related errors during DTP data loads

1881372 - Consulting: DTP load runs infinitely long and hang after you upgrade your BW support package