Saturday, February 20, 2016

Flash back to pre 2k years

In this post I look back to pre-2000 years to times when new millennium was approaching. Back then all computer industry was scared in wake of what will happen when computers clock turn from 31.12.1999 23:59:59 to 1.1.2000 00:00:00. This problem was known as year 2000 problem. SAP was watching this space also and preparing its software for this change.

They came up with SAP Note with very famous number: 2000 - Internal SAP AG Year2000 activities. In this Note they briefly described what this year change will bring and advised its customers to prepare their computers system for this change. Initiative of the year 2000 within SAP was driven by so called “Year2000 Taskforce” (, and The taskforce coordinated all activities related to this change. Covering all known facts, problems, methods, tools, organizational and legal questions.

All analyzing and testing of SAP software done for this year change generated about 130+ (based on my brief count of Note numbers in collective Notes) SAP Notes. They vary from databases and OS related changes by different vendors, date field format adjustments in SAP tables like date 1.1.1 is converted to 1.1.0001, ABAP statements like “WRITE date YY/MM/DD”, file format generated by SAP interfaces and so on.

SAP provided also couple of tools to help customer with testing of their systems (like Safety Check 2000 tool, Verification Tool). Customers were encouraged to setup separate system where they shall simulate the year change and test how the SAP software will be affected.

All in all as we all know whole thing ended up successfully. There were no major interruptions of computer systems neither in SAP systems reported. So what will be next challenge? Year 2038 problem or just year 10,000 problem? Some of us will see that J

Information sources on this topic:
2000 - Internal SAP AG Year2000 activities
99664 - General information on year 2000 (collective note)
99662 - Collective note Year2000

135460 - Year 2000 guide for R/3 customers

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