Friday, February 26, 2016

BEx Analyzer features – Properties for characteristics: Cumulate Values

Here I’m starting couple of posts about not very known features of BEx Analyzer. One of them is called “Cumulate Values”. It is available in context menu (right click) on characteristic’s cell while BEx report is opened in BEx Analyzer tool.

What it does is following. It cumulates a value of KF for specific characteristics shown in the report. This works without considering what aggregation type is defined for particular KF.

Here’s example of report’s output. There is KF called “Total time” displayed in the report. Characteristics Calendar Day is displayed as well in the columns of the report. Without “Cumulate Values” feature enabled report looks like following:

To enable the feature a right click is performed on the characteristics Calendar Day and menu item Properties is chosen. On next pop-up windows the feature is enabled.

This is hoe the report looks like when it is ON. Value of the KF in first column stays the same as the feature wouldn’t be enabled. But value of 2nd and other subsequent columns are cumulating values of all predecessors’ columns:

Online documentation:

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