Saturday, February 20, 2016

Parameters of RSADMINS table

In today’s post I introduce another important customizing table of BW. Among tables like RSADMIN, RSADMINA and RSADMINC it is RSADMINS table. Similarly to previous ones it also stores params need to BW system functioning properly.

General parameters

CUSTOMIZID                ID for Customizing in BW. For the BW system a value of this param is always BW.

DRAGDROPOFF             Drag&Drop off(='X'), Controls drag & drop behavior in tcode RSA1->Modeling->InfoObjects section, by default OFF is enabled

ISPREF                          Prefix for name of an InfoSource

AUTOSTEP2                   Step 2 automatic when loading master data and texts

HIERARCHYVIRTFR         Virtual Time Hierarchies: From Date, SAP Note: 1239449 - CTC Correction report

HIERARCHYVIRTTO        Virtual Time Hierarchies: To Date

FCALID                         OLAP: Default Factory Calendar ID, can be maintained in tcode RSRHIERARCHYVIRT

FISCPERTXTFLG             Indicator for Controlling Master Data Texts for 0FISCPER

System Settings for Metadata Modeling: e.g. Business Content

SYSTP                          System type. Either the BW system is using SAP Namespace (value = SAP) or Customer Namespace (value = CUS)

IS_CONTSYST              System is Content system. Setting is relevant if the BW system is used to develop customer or partner BI Content object. If it is the case than param has value of X. All metadata objects are then copied from the active (A) version into the delivery (D) version when you save or activate them. Additionally, only the delivery objects and not the active objects are written to the transport request.

CONTENT_CHANGE      Changeability of External Content Objects. Setting external objects to can be changed in the Content system. Changes to BW Content objects delivered by SAP or other partners are not normally allowed in customer Content systems. SAP Note: 539278 - Maintaining SAP objects in the customer Content system

CONTREL                      It contains value of so-called Content release. It tells with which release particular Business Content object was delivered. You can recognize in particular whether there is a newer version (with a higher content release) in the SAP Version than in the active version. In this case, it is advisable where necessary to match these two versions so that you can use the new functionality of the Business Content.

ACT_CONT_AUTOM      Business Content is automatically activated after transport import. To deactivate the BI Content objects activation value of this param shall be set to "Content is not activated". SAP Note: 1140045 - Termination RSO 878 with BI orders, SPs, urgent corrections

TADIRPOPUP               Indicator if TADIR popup is shown while creating new BW objects. In case value of the param is blank than BW Transport System as set which means that a dialog prompting the user to enter a transport request does not appear when creating/editing the objects. If it is set to X standard SAP transport is enabled. Means popup windows is prompting a user while creating/editing the objects. See more information in onlinedocu. SAP Note: 356018 - Activate the standard transport system in BW

PREF_AGR                     Prefix for installed activity groups

APPENDS_ALLOWED       Append Maintenance Switched On (DB Indicator with Default)

SCOPECHECK_MSGTY   Error Severity for Messages About Switch Consistency. InfoObjects that are deactivated using scopes are not displayed although the scope checks are deactivated (values: SPACE or S). SAP Note: 1138109 - Not enough objects displayed in input help for InfoObjects
WAREA_DISABLED         Indicator shows whether worklist was deactivated (='X')

Data loads related parameters

IDOCPREF                     Prefix for IDoc type

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