Monday, December 5, 2022

How to read/write/delete from/to aDSO objects

This is a sequel of my older blog that deals with classic DSO objects. This one deals with an aDSO objects. There is a set of SAP standard function modules for reading, writing and deleting data from/to the aDSO objects as well. They can easily be used in custom ABAP code in BW’s transformations.

There are function modules representing APIs for DSO objects under name space RSDRI_* (or RSDRD_*). In case of aDSO objects the API are there under name space RSDSO_*.


aDSO type                  Operation       Method / API

Standard                    READ                Open SQL SELECT; RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ

                                    WRITE            RSDSO_WRITE_API; RSDSO_WRITE_API_RFC

ACTIVE       RSDSO_ACTIVATE_REQ_API_RFC - Activates requests in aDSO. Multiple requests can be activated separately or whether or system can activate as many requests as possible at one shot.

                                    DETELE             N/A

Direct Update             READ                Open SQL SELECT

WRITE    RSDSO_DU_WRITE_API; RSDSO_DU_WRITE_API_RFC – Writes data from an itab into active data table of the aDSO. Each API call results in a new request. Database transaction is committed automatically.

DELETE            RSDSO_DU_DELETE_API_RFC - Deletes data from an aDSO. Whole content can be deleted or data can be deleted based on a selective deletion.

CLEANUP          RSDSO_DU_CLEANUP_API_RFC - Changes status of red requests in aDSO to green. Red requests are blocking further data loads thus have to be corrected. Only requests that were loaded via API are considered.


FMs ending with *RFC are supposed to be used for remote scenarios whereas other FMs are locally to be used where the aDSO and calling code resides within the same system.


Supporting FMs:

RSDSO_DEBUG_API – It enables a user to debug above listed RFC enabled APIs for aDSO.


More information:

DSO object APIs

Online docu for aDSO objects API – BW4/HANA

Online docu for aDSO objects API – BW 7.5

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