Saturday, January 1, 2022

What is SAP Ruum?

SAP Ruum (or Ruum by SAP) is software-as-a-service solution that ties a team productivity with enterprise business processes. It was founded by a team of SAP employees in 2016. Financing was secured by a seed funding in the SAP.iO Venture Studio - that is SAP’s internal incubation program.

It started as a tool providing collaboration and project management features (Project Management as a Service type of solution). This included features of a task management, timelines, file storage and team collaboration. The solution can be integrated with other collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams and Box Inc.

Its name "Ruum" associates with room/ruum - a collaborative space for users and their teams to manage their work or project.

Later it evolved features of departmental workflows. For this, the SAP Ruum is leveraging Cloud Platform Workflow Management. It uses an automation element (RPA) for some mundane, repeatable tasks.

In addition, the solution includes also low-code/no-code process management platform. An aim is to empower non-technical users to build, integrate, and run departmental processes without compromising IT security.

To sum up its features:

Key features of the new business process automation tool include:

- lightweight project management workspace

- AI-driven automation

- integration with business processes


Concerning the latest point – positioning the Ruum as low-code/no-code solution. It will be interesting what solution SAP will potentially end up with. Because in this area there are already solutions like Mendix (partnership announced at SAP TechEd 2017 in Las Vegas) and Appgyver (acquired in 2021.02) in SAP’s bucket.


More information:


SAP News on Ruum

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