Friday, December 17, 2021

t-code RSDS_PROPOSE - Find InfoObjects for DataSource

While BW developer is creating a new DataSource soon there a question what are an InfoObjects that are supposed to be used to map the DataSource’s fields. In most cases, there are the InfoObjects present in BW system and no new InfoObjects need to be created. However, how to find those IOs in relatively reasonable time manner?  

Since BW version 7.3 (for comprehensive list of 7.3 t-codes see here) there is a t-code called RSDS_PROPOSE – which does what is says = Finds InfoObjects for DataSource. What needs to be entered on its selection screen is a particular DS name and corresponding source system. Furthermore, there is a bunch of checkboxes available that represents criteria for proposed IOs. The proposal can be based on e.g. existing IOs assignments in TRFNs, field names in 3.x datasource mappings, 3.x Content datasource, template IOs as specified in DataSource, assigned IOs to DDIC data elements, suitable name and/or description, etc.

The logic behind the t-code is analyzing existing IOs based on selection screen’s parameters. Proposed IOs are presented with % probability of match. There are top three choices. Also all possible matches can be reviewed too – by hitting button “Display All Suggestions”.

Technically the t-code runs ABAP program RSD_MAPPING_FOR_DS_FIND and it is delivered in development package RSD_MAPPING (Mapping Service for InfoObjects).

The t-code discussed is a great help to BW developers as it saves a time while trying to search for existing IO to be leveraged in new BW flows being created.


More information:

New transaction codes in BW 73

BW 7.3


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