Thursday, December 23, 2021

SAP S/4HANA appliance

Normally when organization decides to implement SAP S/4HANA ERP system there is a implementation period during which the system is deployed to the organization reflecting its needs. This is a way in which the organization actually get engaged with SAP software.

Additionally SAP is offering for their customer and/or partner so called appliance, which has the S/4HANA software installed. This way there is no implementation period the software can be leveraged right away. They call it fully-activated appliance as it has already some demo scenarios preconfigured including a data. It can be useful for rapid prototyping, proof-of-concept work, demoing, testing etc. There are two way how the appliance can be consumed.

In cloud – appliance can be deployed from SAP CAL – Cloud Application Library.

On premise – SAP can send the software via set of blue-ray disks for installation on customer’s premises. And this option is actually an interesting one. It reminds me of some similar initiative that SAP was providing long time back. It was so called SAP IDES laptops. Even this time this is no physical hardware still there are similarities between the two. The software is preconfigured but this time you have to install it on your hardware. See below SAP Note for all the details about it.


More information:

2041140 - Order an SAP S/4HANA fully-activated appliance for on-premise deployment

SAP IDES laptops

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