Thursday, December 2, 2021

Number of Processes for DTP Parallel Processing

To speed up runtime of DTP it is possible to parallelize it. There is a possibility to set a maximum number of DTP instances that run in parallel. In t-codes like RSA1->DTP or RSDTP in its menu Goto->Settings for Batch Manager->Number of Processes.

This settings is stored in table RSBATCHPARALLEL (Control Parallel Batch Processes) in field PARALLEL_PROCS (Maximum Number of All Parallel Processes for This type). Corresponding domain is RSBATCHPAR. Table can be read in a way that in field PROCESS_TYPE = DTP_LOAD and into PC_VARIANT = DTP technical name.

Similarly, in t-code RSBATCH there is a possibility to set this via button Parameter Settings under which also number of processes for DTP parallel processing. See more info about the t-code RSBATCH here. This can be setup either set:

1. For all DTPs – means default value for all DTP that do not have it setup, default value is 3

2. Or via button Mass Maintenance of ALL Settings for Parallel Processing for particular DTP

More information:

Degree of Parallelization in SAP BW

Table RSBKADMIN – DTP System Specific Attributes

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