Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Checking status of cube behavior

Real-time cubes in SAP BW means that it is a planning cube where the planning functions can be implemented. This in short means a user’s can enter/modify data. It is possible then to copy, change and do a many different calculations with the data (e.g. distributions based on reference data or forecast functions).
The Real-time cubes can be therefore set into two modes (or called behaviors). Load behavior where the cube can be loaded via regular BW’s transformation or plan (or called real-time) behavior in which the cube can be saving planning data entered by users.

The change or the switch of the two modes can be done either manually:

Or same activity as done manually via RSA1 -> Modeling -> right click on cube -> Planning-Specific Properties -> Change Real-Time Load Behavior can be done programmatically.

Following FM can be used to check the real-time / load behavior and to set it:

In addition, there is an ABAP report SAP_CONVERT_NORMAL_TRANS can be used for the same. Similarly, there is a process that can be put into process chain for that.

Table RSMDATASTATE (Status of the data in the Infocubes) and its field LOADALWD (Allow loading for real-time data targets) stores the information into which behavior the cube currently is set to. If the field LOADALWD is set to X it is in loading mode, if it is set to blank in planning mode.

For information on this topic relevant for BW4/HANA see this post: Checking status of cube behavior – BW4HANA

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