Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Number of records in the InfoProvider

Sometime ago I blogged about usage of output number of hits which is functionality available on Display Data’s screen of Manage InfoProvider section within TA RSA1. While try to get know no of records in InfoProvider via above mentioned “Output number of hits” you may face a short dump because your InfoProvider has simply so much data.

To solve this I was looking for some other options how to find out number of records on very large cubes. Luckily there is a way how to do it. A database table called RSMDATASTATE_EXT is available in BW system. The table holds information of actual number of entries per InfoProvider.

All you need to do is browse the RSMDATASTATE_EXT in TA SE11 or SE16 or similar. Into field Data Target Type (DTA_TYPE) enter following:

CUBE            if your InfoProvider is cube
MPRO            MultiProvider
ODSO           ODS Object
TFSTRU         PSA Table
IOBJ_T          Text table of IO
IOBJ_M         Master Data Table of IO
IOBJ_H          Hierarchy
FLEX_M         Flexible Master Data
FLEX_T          Flexible Texts
FLEX_H         Flexible Hierarchies
QUELL           Source System
DTASRC        New PSA
ISET              InfoSet
QUERY           Query
DEST             Open Hub Destination
INSP             Inspection Plan

Once you run your selection in the field RECORDS_ALL you will get number of all the records in specified InfoProvider.


  1. Thanks ! This is what I was looking for.

  2. Hi Chinmay,

    I'm glad I could help!


  3. Hi Martin, This does not work for ADSO.
    it works for Cubes and classical DSOs.

  4. Hi Martin, This does not work for ADVANCE DSOS.
    It only gives record count of CUBES, CLASSICAL DSOs. not ADSOs. FYI.
    But great. thanks for ur help. still relevent in 2022.

  5. Thanks for checking! With respect to aDSOs, have you tried it on BW4 or classic BW system? Looks like on BW4 really the table doesn't support aDSOs.
