Friday, March 28, 2014

How to get rid of clients 001 and 066 ?

With the advent of Solution Manager some of basis functionalities in NetWeaver based SAP system became obsolete. However this is not very known by SAP Basis people. Knowing this you can save a database space used by your system. Needless to say having slim system may even lead to better performance of your system. This is especially valid if you run your own installation on laptop as IDES or similar demo system.
So what are functionalities that were replaced by SOLMAN (Solution Manager)? These are available in special clients which were installed to you system long time ago when Solman wasn't around.

Client 066 – was a special client used by SAP Active Global Support to deliver their services. It was the client so called EarlyWatch. The client is not used anymore. You can safely remove it from your system via TA SCC5.

Client 001 – was usually created during initial installation of SAP system as copy of client 000. If your system is actually Solman its productive client is 001 so you must not deleted it! In other system it is used as production preparation client. Otherwise it is not needed.

Further details can be found:
1897372 - EarlyWatch Mandant 066 - Can Client 066 be deleted?
7312 - Client 066 for EarlyWatch

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