Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Source system connection tool

If you need to test several source systems in BW it is quite time consuming and boring task. You have to go to TA RSA1 in section of Source systems and manual right click on every source that has to be tested. In order to automate this task and of course to get test done faster SAP provide useful tool. It called Source system connection tool. It is available via transaction RS_LOGSYS_CHECK (ABAP report RS_LOGSYS_ACTIVATE).

Whatever activity you want to perform on particular system you just simply check any of check boxes like: Check, Activate, Restore and then you run it. Once it is finished you see lights icon next to source system informing you about its status. Furthermore you can check log of this activity. Of course you can run the tests on several systems in one shot.
What is little bit surprising to me is the fact that this tool is quite old. It was available in BW systems since BW version 3.0 :-)


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