Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How determine SAP BW server version

Basically this is nothing else just the version of SAP BW. There are (of course) several ways how to find it out. 

1. Via menu System. The very basic and the most common way is to have a look to system status information. This can be done while you are logged into B system via SAP GUI. Here go to menu System->Status:

Here choose Component information:

He Here we see that BW is of version 7.00 and the highest Service Pack installed is no 20.

2. Table where this information can be find. Also you can have a look where information about all installed software components if stored. The table name is called CVERS. You need to supply SAP_BW into field COMPONENT. Here’s output:

Are you aware of any other ways? Tell it in the comment :-)

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