Saturday, January 1, 2011

What year 2010 gave to SDN?

I started last year (2009) with brief summarization of initiatives that were newly introduced on SDN. This time let me continue and take a look on new stuff that year 2010 brought on the SDN field. Following here few new SDN initiatives:

  1. Idea Place: is an place where SCN community members can put ideas in any area of an relation to SAP products, services etc.
  2. SAP Community Network Shop, SAP Premium Educational Products and Resources – meanwhile those “shop” terms was rebranded under new name SAP Community Network eLearning - Online SAP Training.
  3. SDN Code Exchange Platform: allows community members to share and collaboratively develop prototypes, showcases, add-ons or event start-up ideas they would like to developed or already started developing in form of projects. Provides platform for support of code and release management, online discussions and blogs, documentation and issue tracking.
  4. SAP Community Netweaver Developer Edition / LicenseWas introduced in Jan 2010 as addition to miniSAP versions of SAP software. See here licenses comparison to find version that suits you and download it from here. Regarding previous offerings like NetWeaver Development Pack see this FAQ. For license maintenance go here.
  5. In-Memory section Soon followed by introduction of "four-element (3 focus areas)" strategy at TechEd 2010 in Berlin. Here’s SAP offers a mixture of on-premise, on-demand and on-device applications, and better application orchestration capabilities.
Regarding challenges I see in upcoming year 2011; the biggest one from my point of view would be an integration of all SCN functionalities closer together. Some parts of SCN pieces are still isolated island where user needs to login separately (idea Place) or running on different platforms (blogs, wiki, etc.). From this perspective I see a room for improvement and it is a great to see that something is going on e.g. here.

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