Saturday, January 1, 2011

Preparation for SAP Remote Services/Sessions for BW

There are certain SAP services provided by SAP Active Global Support (AGS) like BW Go live Optimization session which might help customers to run their BW solution better. You as an customer can request those session via raising customer message on OSS in area: Remote Service Request of component: SV-BO-REQ and type query: Request for the Delivery of a Remote Service (for details see Note 560499 - Global Support Customer Interaction: Telephone/fax/e-mail or
Once you requested it you need to prepare your system for connection from SAP. Basically there are following main requirements:

1. Your BW system must have the latest ST-SER release 701_2010_1 on the Solution Manager. Otherwise SAP cannot perform any of remote session.

2. You must have a SAP Solution Manager 7.0 (formerly 4.0) with Support Package (SP) 15 or higher installed in your system landscape
There is an ABAP report called RTCCTOOL provided that helps you to determine either you are running correct software components. Report is analyzing tools that you need for SAP sessions by online connecting to SAP OSS. Missing articles like notes, add-ons are listed afterwards. You need to implement this missing stuff before session. For details about RTCCTOOL report see SAP Note 69455.

3. Performance collectors (TA ST03N) and OS collectors (ST06) are configured and running properly.

4. Users that you going to provide SAP must have proper authorization to perform the session. Usually users with authorization profiles SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW are provided.

5. You need to open connection to particular system that is going to be examined on OSS. Particularly following types of connection are needed to be opened:
- R/3 Support
- HTTP Connections (if using type BW Java e.g. for web reporting)

6. BW statistics should be up and running.

For more details see SAP Note 160777.

To see all detailed description of all Support Services for Customers using SAP Enterprise Support Services see following SDN link.

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