Monday, July 18, 2022

How often a Process Chains are being killed in your BW?

In BW systems if a particular process in a Process Chain (PC) runs into a problem in most cases a whole chain is stopped. Such process chain gets a red status that means that it did not finished properly. A corrective action is needed to be done by BW administrator. An issue that caused the process to be terminated must be removed and process can be restarted afterwards.

However sometime a situation can be different. The chain's run need to be stopped for some reason. There are few options of how to abort currently running process chain.

One can go to respective basis job of the current process that is executed by the PC. Once the job is found from SAP Basis t-code like SM37 the job can be canceled. This can be achieved by displaying a pop-up window of the PC's process within PC related t-codes like RSPC1, etc. There under Bckg tab it is possible to jump to the SM37 via Batch Monitor button.

Once you arrive, there just use Stop icon (Stop active job) available on a toolbar. Afterwards the job status turn to a red, (Canceled) you can return back to level of the chain and particular process will be set to Aborted. This is indicated in table RSPCPROCESSLOG - column STATE = X = Aborted or R = Error.

Other option can be found directly with a monitor part of PC related t-codes like RSPC1. There is a button called "Stop current run as soon as possible" on the toolbar. 

If during the PC run a button "Stop current run as soon as possible" is pressed a flag TO_BE_KILLED is set in table RSPCKILL. The PC is terminated at the step during which execution a button was pressed. The respective step has followign monitor entry in its pop window:

The table RSPCKILL stores such a “killed” runs of the PC. It has a very simple layout there are only following columns in the table:


LOG_ID - Log-ID of a Process Chain Run

TSTPNM - Last Changed By

TSTPDAT - Changed On

TSTPTIM - Changed at

TO_BE_KILLED – Boolean, X if the PC was killed like described above


Based on number of the entries in this table one can get a rough idea how many time a process chain was stopped/killed during its run in the BW system. Technically the entry in the table is created by a call of a method REMOVE_FROM_BATCH of ABAL class CL_RSPC_FRONTEND. Respective entry in table RSPCPROCESSLOG - column STATE = F = Done.

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