Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Transporting table maintenance view

I have done an activity of generating a maintenance view for table many times. However, even after that I still have some issues while moving the view across the landscape. Issue lays with the transport request that need to be prepared for the move. Normally when the objects are automatically collected into the transport request while they are being created, it should be all fine – all objects should be collected automatically. In case some objects were not stored in to proper developer class but they went to temporary class then they need to be collected manually. As with any manual activity, also this one is prone to errors.

Therefore, I came up with a list of objects that I look for in my transport to make sure all objects are collected before I release it.


R3TR     FUGR     <Z_function_group_name>

R3TR     TABL     <Z_table_name>

R3TR     TABU     TDDAT -> table keys: <Z_table_name>

R3TR     TABU     TVDIR -> table keys: <Z_table_name>

R3TR     TOBJ     <Z_table_name>X*


Line no 1 FUGR <Z_function_group_name> represents the function group name specified in the table maintenance generator (t-code SE54).

Line no 2 TABL <Z_table_name> represents the table which the maintenance view is generated for.

Line no 3 TABU TDDAT represents Maintenance Areas for Tables means the table Authorization Group that is also specified in t-code SE54. Is can be specified in t-code SE11 -> Utilities -> Assign Authorization Group. Stored in column CCLASS of the TDDAT.

Line no 4 TABU TVDIR represents View Directory itself, all info info given in the t-code SE54 are stored here.

Line no 5 TOBJ represents Definition of a Maintenance and Transport Object of the table involved. X* - can be specified in t-code SOBJ. It depends on particular table type, it can be either:

C        View Cluster

L        Logical transport object

S        Table (with text table)

T        Individual transaction object

V        View

D        Dummy object

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