Wednesday, December 8, 2021

DTP: Temporary storage

Within the SAP BW DTP object there is used a term temporary storage. It is used during DTP’s runtime and it enables a restart of particular DTP’s task in case an error occurred. Aim is to restart DTP’s task without an impact on overall performance of DTP’s runtime as well as on data consistency when errors occur.

Naturally, during such restarts the system generates a temporary data into database tables. There are settings at DTP level related to temporary storage. Those settings enables management of the temporary data. Means data management of the temporary storage thus they are a so called Settings for temporary storage.

The temporary data can be deleted depending on whether a request has been updated successfully to the target, when the request is deleted, or after a specific interval has passed since the request was processed.

These Settings for temporary storage are available in DTP’s screen (e.g. t-code RSDTP) in menu Goto -> Settings for DTP Temporary Storage.

Following are the settings available:

1/ related to Delete Temporary Storage:

1.1 With Request Status ‘Green’ - Deletion of Temp. Storage If Request Status Is 'Green'

With Request Status ‘Deleted’ - Deletion of temp. storage if req. status is 'deleted'

After x Days/Weeks/Month - Deletion of the Temporary Storage by Time Interval

Technically stored in table RSBKDTP and in following fields:

1.1 GREEN                      RSBKBUFFERDELETEGREEN            Deletion of Temp. Storage If Request Status Is 'Green'

1.2 DELETED                   RSBKBUFFERDELETEDELETED         Deletion of temp. storage if req. status is 'deleted'

1.3 AFTER                      RSBKBUFFERDELETEAFTER            Deletion of the Temporary Storage by Time Interval

Above 3 data are resented as checkboxes (domain RS_BOOL)

1.4 TIMEINTERVAL           RSBKTIMEINTERVAL                     Time Interval

Above data is represented by no of days e.g. (domain PERCDAYS, range from 1 to 31 depending on particular month)

4.5 TIMEUNIT                  RSBKTIMEUNIT                            Time Unit ( Days / Weeks / Months )

Represented by either Days (0), or Weeks (1), or Months (2) – domain RSBKTIMEUNIT.


2/ Level/Degree of Detail

Describes what is a level of detail on which the system is tracing the errors.

Technically stored in table RSBKDTP and in field BUFFERLEVEL (DTP Temporary Storage: Level of Detail, domain: RSBKBUFFERLEVEL). It can have a following values:

0        Tracing the Transformation by Package

1        Trace of Erroneous Records

2        Trace of the Transformation by Record


3/ Fill Temporary Storage After Following Substeps:

Save Data After the Substep - Indicates whether the system should generate a temporary storage behind a substep of DTP request processing.

1 comment:

  1. Informative one to add on deep understanding of it. Thanks for sharing.
