Monday, May 31, 2021

How to check whether it is BW4 system?

This post is similar to one of my previous post called How to check whether HANA or BWA are available? In which I created small ABAP program to determine whether particular SAP system is running on HANA DB or whether BWA is available in the system.

Similarly, to that one in this post I try to determine whether particular SAP ABAP Platform bases system is running BW4 or not. So, it does distinguish between for example just classic BW and BW/4HANA based systems.

The ABAP code fragment is published on my github’s gists place - ZMM_GET_BW_RELEASE_INFO.

The program itself is based on standard SAP program's /SSA/BWT and routine GET_BW_RELEASE_INFO. In case the system is BW4 (component DW4CORE is available) based then it, returns variable lv_ISBW4HANA set to value X. In case it is not, (e.g. it is classic 7.x BW based system) it returns variable lv_BWRELEASE containing the BW release (SAP_BW), e.g. 740 and variable lv_BWSP that contains the BW support package, e.g. 7. The program reads the data from standard SAP table CVERS – that holds an info on release status of software components in System.

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