Friday, February 7, 2020

Deleting overlapping requests

A process available in process chain called "Delete Overlapping Requests" is very useful feature within the administration of data targets. I blogged about it already here. This time I want to point to few situations that may occur while using the process mentioned.

First of all the "Delete Overlapping Requests" process in case of DTPs with respect type of the DTP. It is a common misunderstanding that only DTPs type of FULL load are supported. That would mean that in case the DTP is type of DELTA the deletion of overlapping request will not work even the deletion conditions are met. However, there is a way how to make it work. Depending on BW version a Notes like 1336410 (70SP22: Enhancements to CL_RSBK_DTP=>GET_ALL_BY_PROPERTY) and 1359397 (P22:PC:REQUDEL:Switching full variant to deleting delta DTPs) need to be implemented. Once it is the case, the "Delete Overlapping Requests" process works with delta enabled DTPs. Only drawback is that the DTPS must be set with indicator specifying that delta data is to be transferred only once. Also another option to try out is to first set the DTP to full mode in that way specify the DTP into the "Delete Overlapping Requests" process and afterward to set the DTP into delta mode.

Another interesting case can be; when "Delete Overlapping Requests" process works with DTP, which has Routines on its filter. Depending on filter’s field (infoobject) one needs to be careful while carrying out ABAP coding. Especially during populating range low/high value by using variables that are of different type as the field/infoobject. Because of ABAP nature while converting between different data types a value can be aligned to LEFT instead to RIGHT. Thus value that is aligned to other side is not recognized as correct value. See Note 2392079 ("Delete overlapping request" variant does not work properly if DTP has a filter routine) for specific example.

More information:
2753683 - "Delete overlapping requests" variant does not delete expected requests


  1. Hi Martin,
    Hope you are doing good. I met you when you were working for Adidas client.

    Regarding deletion of Overlapping requests, have you tried the same for ADSO? When we set up variant for ADSO, there is a check box which says "Also Delete requests loaded with less restrictive DTP-Filter". Have you tried that? If you have can you give how does it work? In the older version or variants for deleting overlapping requests from cube, we have an option of Selection "Same or More comprehensive". The option mentioned above for ADSO work in similar manner?

    Thank you,
    Jaimin Soni

  2. Hi Martin,
    Hope you are doing good. I met you when you were working for Adidas client.

    Regarding deletion of Overlapping requests, have you tried the same for ADSO? When we set up variant for ADSO, there is a check box which says "Also Delete requests loaded with less restrictive DTP-Filter". Have you tried that? If you have can you give how does it work? In the older version or variants for deleting overlapping requests from cube, we have an option of Selection "Same or More comprehensive". The option mentioned above for ADSO work in similar manner?

    Thank you,
    Jaimin Soni

  3. Hi Jai,

    it is been long time :) nice memories reg my stay in herzogenaurach @adidas :)
    Unfortunately I do not try this process with regards to aDSO.
    I just quickly skimmed thru this process in BW 75 and seems there are check boxes you mentioned like:

    "Also Delete Requests Loaded by Other DTPs (from Same Source)"
    "Also Delete Delta Requests"
    "Also Delete Requests Loaded with Less Restrictive DTP-Filter"

    However (to my not surprise) they are not documented in the system (via F1 help) neither I'm able to find any related documentation at :(

    Sorry can't help in here please do share your experience if you gonna give it a try.

    cheers and take care
