Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Cube load failure call subroutine FILL_SID_CACHE

Some loads to BW cubes may fail with below error that is related to subroutine FILL_SID_CACHE.

An exception with the type CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE occurred, but was neither handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING
The attempt to call the subroutine FILL_SID_CACHE in the program &PROGRAM& failed due to a type error involving parameter number
An exception with the type CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE occurred, but was neither handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING
Error while updating to target XXXX_XXX (type INFOCUBE)
Data package 1 / 17.02.2020 20:40:29 / Status 'Processed with Errors'

There is SAP note 1972401, which describes this error.  Regeneration of data loads to the cube of the program happened automatically but call of the form routine went to the older version of the program. Therefore, it failed. Issue is most likely caused two possible reason. One can be buffering problem. Second can be that a loading process was already connected to the old version of the generated program.
As workaround, one can try to reactivate the corresponding DTP or involved TRFN and repeat the load. If it does not help use program RSDD_RSTMPLWIDTP_GEN_ALL with both check box ticked off for the BW cube that is affected.

More information:
1972401 - DTP failed due to Exception CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE
2172882 - DTP execution failed with CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE and FILL_SID_CACHE

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