Monday, November 11, 2019

miniSAP - SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP04, installation

It is being quite a tradition for last few years that SAP published on yearly basis an ABAP development environment for developers. Last year it was SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP01. This year it is SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP04. I normally call these versions as “miniSAP” even thou this term is not used anymore by SAP. Due to some legal restrictions (SAP can’t distribute installed software) the ABAP developer edition comes as a set of installation files. This time it is 11 files most of them 1,4GB of volume each. These files as usual can be downloaded from SAP Community Trials and Downloads site. To download it just search for “7.52 SP04” like via this link. A part of the install file an OS is needed. Here normally I go with open version of SUSE Linux called openSUSE currently in version 15.1 64 bit. A plenty of other Linux OS are supported see below official installation guide. As VM environment I used VirtualBox.

Again within this release of the ABAP developer edition an installation procedure is very well described in blog by Julie Plummer -> see below the first link under more information. Thus, I’m not providing the installation step by step. I just focus on one issue that I faced.

Notes related to VirtualBox:

1 No Menu Devices shown in the VM window: in case a Menu Devices of VirtualBox is not shown (needed to install Guest Additions): just exit from scale mode (Right Ctrl + C). Then 'Devices' menu will appear.

2 Installation of VirtualBox Guest Additions into the VM: add new optical drive to the VM, point it to e.g. "c:\Program Files\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso"
then run command in VM: /run/media//VBox_FAs_5.2.8/
to get the VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in your VM. I needed it because I took a slice different approach while unpacking the installation file. In the installation guide (see below the first link under more information) the files are copied to your VM and un-rar-ed there. I unpacked it in my host OS and via the VirtualBox Guest Additions’s Shared Folders I made them available in my VM as well.

3 Elevation of admin rights that are needed to run the install: elevate user admin rights: use command "sudo su" or "sudo -i"

Notes to the installation itself:
Once installation runs as started via command: “./” following message related to license can be observed:

My install was aborted only once and that was due to following error I faced:

ERROR      2019-11-11 01:40:34.324 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [iaxxbjsmod.cpp:83] id=modlib.jslib.caughtException errno=MUT-03025
Caught ESAPinstException in module call: Assertion failed: Unable to verify database access for login SAPSR3. Refer to trace file sapinst_dev.log for further information.

This was pretty much same error message I got last year while installing SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP01. So I thought it has something to do with expired Sybase DB license that contains the file located at /sybase/NPL/SYSAM02_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic. However, in my case the file was correctly pointing to March 31st 2021 means it wasn’t expired. In attempt to fix this issue I tried to follow up a comment located in SDN thread. Basically the trick was in the setup of /etc/hosts file. Normally the file format shall be like following: vhcalnplci vhcalnplci.dummy.nodomain

But I put it as opposite: vhcalnplci.dummy.nodomain vhcalnplci

After restarting the linux server (the VM) the installation shall be kicked off with OS command: –s

This means the parameter -s suppresses the hostname check. Employing a different format of /etc/hosts the installation worked like a charm.

Enjoy the 7.52 SP04 miniSAP!

More information:


  1. Hi, where I can find the license valid until 2021?

  2. Hello,

    unfortunately there is no place you can find a license for NW developer edition valid that long. SAP offers only possibility to keep extending the license via their site:
    I wrote below blog spot about license extension procedure:
    In theory you can keep extending indefinitely but the ASE or HANA license (in case of HANA Express edition) last for about a year.


  3. Hi Martin maruskin

    I have installed the ABAP AS NW 7.52 SP01 AS vm I have seen SYBASE ASE logs when using sample fiori ref apps SHOP(SEPMRA_SHOP ODATA SERVICE ) SEE below
    Sandra rossi sap community member commented about a bug in -sap supplied cds view –SDraft_Configuration she said for hana view works but not sybase ase db I cut /paste her comments about it

    Okay, I found the bug. Reason: the CDS function “TSTMP_ADD_SECONDS” is implemented differently in SYBASE ASE (works for timestamps WITHOUT microseconds) and in HANA (works for timestamps with microseconds). In the CDS view SDraft_Configuration, the following lines have the bug:

    // when Customer.draft_entity is not null
    // then tstmp_add_seconds( :p_current_time,
    // cast( -Customer.expiry_duration as abap.dec(15,0) ),
    // 'FAIL')
    when Entity.draft_entity is not null and Entity.expiry_duration > 0
    then tstmp_add_seconds(:p_current_time,
    else tstmp_add_seconds(:p_current_time,
    end as expiration_time
    It could be solved if you find a way to change these lines as follows:

    // when Customer.draft_entity is not null
    // then tstmp_add_seconds( :p_current_time,
    // cast( -Customer.expiry_duration as abap.dec(15,0) ),
    // 'FAIL')
    when Entity.draft_entity is not null and Entity.expiry_duration > 0
    then tstmp_add_seconds( floor(:p_current_time),
    'FAIL') + :p_current_time - floor(:p_current_time)
    else tstmp_add_seconds( floor(:p_current_time),
    'FAIL') + :p_current_time - floor(:p_current_time)
    end as expiration_time
    I have the above abap as nw 752spo1 installed as virtualbox VM it is reported by sandra rossi on another blog that for sybase ase there is a bug in sap supplied cds view –SDraft_Configuration

    But I cannot change the code it seems there is a small change about timestamp for sybase ase as the above cds fn is fine for HANA ,when I use sap fiori sample reference app SHOP I cannot add items to cart and I find the sybase ase errors – Database error 241 with OPC access to table SDRAFT_LOCK_EXP(SM21) LOG

    I do not know if this bug is reported to sap by the community member or not or if sap corrected the above

    I have a P-USER id and when I use sap fiori reference app SHOP i will run into the bug……

    can anyone please help ….for this issue as Iam doing open sap course for s/4 hana extensions by thomas brieser where this sap fiori reference app shop is used … so i need to change the code in sap supplied CDS view SDraft_Configuration….

    Also if I install ABAP as NW 7.52SP04 will the above bug fixed I checked the sap community with #ABAP_TRAIl only some installation/download issues posted no one posted the above issue
    Could u please help with a suggestion whether I can fix the bug in ABAP AS NW 7.52 SP01 If not should I download Abap as NW 7.52SP04 pack(do not know if the above issue is fixed)


  4. Hi rama anne,

    I haven;t run into this kind of issue... I'd suggest to use the newest NW Developer edition available - NW 7.52SP04. I think you will be better off if you try the newest version.

