Tuesday, March 26, 2019

BPC add-in error: "wrong CSV Format"

Below error is pretty appearing quiet often while working with EPM add-in in MS Office. It is actually also tricky error as there may be a many things to consider that may cause this error.
Below I introduce few things that needs to be checked as they may have a root cause on this error.

1. Enhancing BPC master data info objects with new dimensions, new data in hierarchies etc. This is especially the case when errors like following can be found in BPC log:

2019-03-26 11:42:33,813|ERROR|Metadata|?.?||||||VSTA_Main| Member [ACCOUNT].[PARENTH13].[ALL ACCOUNTS] is attached to member [ACCOUNT].[PARENTH13].[1,,,,,,,,,,,] on hierarchy PARENTH13, but [ACCOUNT].[PARENTH13].[1,,,,,,,,,,,] doesn't exist# 2019-03-26

Solution: as per SAP Note 1709380, hierarchy first needs to be deleted, dimension processed, data added back to hierarchy and finally dimension to be processed again. 
If this does not help proceed with running of ABAP reports UJXO_CLEAN_DIM_CACHE and UJXO_CLEAN_TDH_DIM_CACHE according notes 2229878 and 2201768
Also, report UJA_REFRESH_DIM_CACHE needs to run for involved dimension as per Note 2269291
If this is specific to TDH dimension see Notes 2767117 and 2303454.

2. Transport related issues. In this case, there is entry in the BPC log corresponding to:

FPMXLClient.Connection.RESTConnection+HierarchyNode doesn't exist

It is caused by transport and according SAP Note 2085650 BPC dimension needs to be retransported.

3. Loading of data from flat files. See SAP Note 2411607 - "Wrong CSV Format" error or missing members in EPM client.

4. Inconsistency caused by /CPMB/A9* objects under 'unassigned nodes'. Proceed accordign Note 1927742.

5. Restore environment related issues. See Note 2162971 how to use report UJXO_CLEAN_DIM_CACHE to fix it.

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