Monday, December 31, 2018

A year in review – 2018

This year treated me very well I must say. It was a year in my professional career where I took some months off because I worked only on part time basis. Due to this I had a time for my side projects. E.g. I managed to keep installing developer editions of SAP software like: SAP NetWeaver 7.51 SPS2, SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SPS1 and SAP HANA 2.0 express edition (HXE). For my client I also installed and maintained SAP ERP6 IDES EhP8 on Windows/MSSQL platform.

Most precious thing that happened this year for me that I spent a time with my family. I also completed few things around our household which stayed unfinished for some time.

From my profession as an SAP consultant point of view this year was about learning and visiting a few IT/SAP events. I completed 10 online courses via and I read 3 books from SAP Press.

Regarding an events, it all started in January with SAP CodeJam in Prague. In April I attended local Slovak IT conference called codecon and an SAP Slovakia organized workshop - Innovation driven by data. In May it was SAP Forum Slovensko 2018 event. Then in October I was lucky enough to attended SAP TechEd. This happened because I participated in TechEd Tutorial Mission contest held in August. The TechEd was a highlight of this year for me. I met many people there, learn a bunch of new things and had a great time being there. Finally, in autumn there was another SAP Slovakia organized workshop - Modern data warehouses and analytics. Also there was an another SAP CodeJam in Vienna in November. This CodeJam  followed by sitVIE held on next time. The sitVIE was also great event that I enjoyed much.

I would recommend anyone who has a chance to join any SAP community events to take a part in it. They are not just informative and gaining a knowledge events but you get a chance to meet many people from SAP community around the world. And that what is a special thing about it.

As this is my very last post in this year, I wish all my readers (whether regular ones or just those who came here by an accident) successful and wonderful New Year of 2019!

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