Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Unified Connectivity (UCon) framework part 2

I wrote about the UCon already few years ago see here: NetWeaver Unified Connectivity (UCON).
This post has refreshed info on the topic.

I introduced whitening / blacking (list) features of SAP in my older blog spot: White / Black Lists. In SAP terminology a securing of some of SAP objects is also called in as Unified Connectivity (UCON). It was introduced on NetWeaver platform in version 74. Very high level speaking the UCON is all about logging and blocking. By using the UCON only those of remote enabled function modules (RFM or BAPI) that are used in deployed scenarios are allowed to be executed. Execution of rest of them is forbidden and thus the NetWeaver system is secured on server side because possible attack to the system is reduced. 

To identify which RFMs are to be exposed and which are to blocked there are three phase process and toolset provided by the UCON. 

First of all, a system parameter ucon/rfc/active needs to be set in tcode RZ11 – system profile parameters. 

In 1st phase (Logging) you need to identify objects that ae accessed from outside systems. Here a tool called ”Phase Tool Unified Connectivity” (tcode UCONPHTL, prog UCON_PHASE_TOOL) is used. Also CCMS contains SAP Unified Connectivity Monitor Templates that are supporting the tool. 

Now in 2nd phase (Evaluation) it checks whether objects are not interrupting deployed business scenarios by being blocked.  Also tcode UCONPHTL is used in here.

And finally in 3rd phase (Activation) it needs to be confirmed that UCON checks will become effective. 

There is also possibility to override blocking settings of some RFM delivered by SAP. This is of course at your own risk. The ABAP program RS_RFC_BLACKLIST_CUSTOM can be used for that. By giving the RFM name to the program you can see what were original settings of the RFM. No need to add that all changes to the settings are logged. So by this way blacklisted RFM can be unblocked. The settings done by the program are transportable.

More information:

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