Tuesday, July 31, 2018

User related settings for tcode RSA1

There are couple of user related settings when it comes to Data Load Monitor function of BW’s Administration Workbench (RSA1). They are stored in table RSRADIOMON. In this post I will discuss what are they about and how to set it. 

Monitor is mostly handled by a report RSMO1_RSM2 and a call of FM RSSM_MON_SHOW_MONITOR_IC_RSM2 (include LRSM2I05, FG RSM2) and FM SELECTOPTIONSDATE. Depending of BW version, the Monitor looks like following:

UNAME                             User for which particular settings is valid for

Below columns are representing customizing of Load Monitor, whether it shall display (possible values either blank or X):
NOW                                Load monitor will show “Today’s” requests only

YESTERDAY                     Load monitor will show ”Yesterday’s and Today’s” requests only

WEEK                               Load monitor will show requests from Past Week (button ”In the Past Week”)

MONAT                             Load monitor will show requests from “This and Last Month”

FREE                                Represents flag: If Active in Time Period (if set means requests will be selected for which the system logged a message in the specified period). Free data range is saved in global memory under ID SELECTOPTIONSDATE, no persistent storage.

Following columns (possible values either blank or X) are representing Request Overview, whether it shall be displayed in format of:
TREE                                Overview Tree

LISTE                               Overview List

DYNPRO                           Planning Table

Following columns are representing visual (look and feel) settings of the Load Monitor:
PICTYPE                          Type of screen on the right side (possible values: 0 = Default; 1 = no; 2 = customer-defined pic)

PICNAME                         Image name for monitor/scheduler

PICSTRETCH                     Whether the picture shall be stretched over the screen (possible values: X or blank)

TREEWIDTH                     Number of pixel for TREE control on the left part of RSA1 (monitor of info packs). Useful to e.g. it in case it is too small and user can’t navigate e.g. can’t be enlarged.

STATSEL                          What statuses of the data load requests shall be filtered in the Load Monitor

RNRSEL                            What Request ID (Request Number) shall be displayed by default

SYSSEL                            What source system shall be selected when user enters Source Systems section

VIEWSEL                         Single-Character Indicator

LIFETIME                         Consider all data monitor entries found (possible values: X or blank)

CHAIN_TREEWIDTH        Number of pixel for TREE control on the left part of RSA1 (monitor and process chain monitor). Useful to e.g. it in case it is too small and user can’t navigate e.g. can’t be enlarged.

CHAIN_ACCESSABLE       Possibility of showing PC tree displayed in Network view. Normally this is not available for SAP GUI for JAVA. If you need to display your PCs in the Network view set this field to Y manually in the table for your user. Possible values: N or Y.

More information:
1991961 - P33; MON; PC: TREE control on left of monitor and PC monitor is too small

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