Friday, January 5, 2018

Delete Overlapping Requests from cube: SAME OR MORE COMPREHENSIVE vs OVERLAPPING

Within process chains there a particular process that can delete overlapping request from cubes. It is useful to use it case of scenarios where same data is being reloaded and staying same request in the cube would cause double data in reports.

While adding this process into the chain couple of settings need to be specified. What is crucial is to provide selection criteria for the request(s) to be deleted. There are two options on how to setup the request deletion in this process based on selection.


Extract from the documentation:

Only delete if same/comprehensive selection conditions apply.

If you set this indicator, requests are only deleted from the InfoCube if the selection conditions of the new request are the same as or more comprehensive than the selection conditions of the request to be deleted.



Extract from the documentation:

Also delete if partially overlapping select. conditions apply

If you set this indicator, existing requests are also deleted from the InfoCube if the selection criteria of the new request partially or wholly overlap the selection criteria of the request to be deleted.

Basically difference between the two is 1st case (SAME) the request that shall be deleted must be the same as the one loaded this is also with regards to number of loaded records. Whereas in 2nd case not all criteria need to match; it is less restrictive than 1st case.



  1. Hi, what does "more comprehensive" mean?

    For example: yesterday DTP ran with filters: January and February.
    Today dtp ran with filters: January, February and March.

    With option 1, the first request is deleted, right?


  2. Hi, what does "more comprehensive" mean?

    For example: yesterday DTP ran with filters: January and February.
    Today dtp ran with filters: January, February and March.

    With option 1, the first request is deleted, right?

    Example 2:
    Yesterday DTP ran with filters: Jan, Feb.
    Today DTP ran with filters Feb, Mar.

    In this case is request 1 not deleted?


  3. Hi Leandro,

    you need to test this in your system but I would say that in your example for SAME OR MORE COMPREHENSIVE deletion the request is not deleted, whereas for OVERLAPPING deletion it is not.


  4. Thanks for the reply. My two examples were for "same or more comprehensive" scenarios.

    With "Same or More":
    Example 1: DTP 1 is deleted. J,F,M include J,F.
    Example 2: DPP 1 is not deleted F,M don't include J,F.

    Is this right?
