Thursday, October 26, 2017

AfO: Texts of BW query not displayed is proper language

Some users of Analysis for MS Excel (AfO) can experience following situation. Texts of BW query like columns/rows names are just showing some technical names (sometimes in German) and not texts that are supposed to be shown in there. The strange texts can appear also in Display panel.

Issue is occurring because different logon language was used for the AfO logon. For example it can be a language of OS – Windows. This happens for users who’s Windows language is different from the languages that are installed in particular BW backend system on which they run the BW’s BEx queries. Also in case there is a Single Sign On in place and users are going directly to system w/o providing credentials they can’t really chose logon language.

Solution here is to activate option to enter the logon language. This can be achieved in AfO’s settings. Under Advanced settings tab there is an option to force a pop-up screen for use to choose the logon language upon logon. In the same logon pop-up, user can change the client.

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