encounter below issue while exporting hierarchy data from InfoObject to other
systems. I had enabled my IO with settings “Characteristics is Export DS” available
on Master Data/Texts tab of the IO maintenance screen. This means that characteristic
is used as export data source. So its attributes, texts, and hierarchies of the
IO can be extracted into other BW systems via Data Mart Interface.
I created export DS via doing right click on the IO and choosing menu
Additional Functions -> Create Export DataSource. Notice that the export DS
for hierarchy are still working in 3.x version fashion. Also the version of
such a DS is always only modified and the DS is self is Emulated. Same settings
you can observe in t-code RSDS.
replicated DS in my target system. Once I tried to load the data via InfoPackage
there was a following error:
terminated in source system -> Request set to red.
was an ABAP dump associated with the cancelled job. It was saying about
termination in ABAP report SAPLRSSG, runtime error was type of SYNTAX_ERROR and
error description was like follows:
current ABAP program "SAPLRSSG" had to be terminated because it has come
across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
In include "GP00733D5CMRY7YE3D93SUE852V",
in line 34 of program
"GP00733D5CMRY7YE3D93SUE852", the
following syntax errors have occurred:
Field "/BIC/C5DU8_IOname is unknown. It
is neither in one of the specified tables nor defined by a "DATA"
was obvious that data element as described wasn’t present in the system and it even
wasn’t supposed to be in there.
issue was within method for loading of data. This information for particular DS
is stored in table ROOSGEN - Generated Objects for OLTP Source. In my case it
was set to T that means transactional RFC but once I corrected it into I (Idoc)
my upload worked.
Thanks a lot. It works for me.