Saturday, December 31, 2016

Change of time zone in BW -> impact on BW system

In case of multinational companies a BW system serves as global system. This means users are using it around a clock depending on their time zones. To support different loading times to satisfy user communities from different systems it makes sense to put the system time zone to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This time zone then serves as base time zone from which loads for different user communities can be derived.

Change of time zone in BW, needs to be done by transport which moves following table entry: R3TR TABU TTZCU (Customizing time zones)

However more important is impact on BW system while time zone change. There are multiple places in the BW system that might be impacted by this. Therefore on such an event the BW system as whole must be carefully checked. Also all BW applications (InfoAreas) must be checked as well.

More over below are areas that must be also thoroughly checked:

1. Load schedules – in case some Ipacks/DTPs/Process Chains are scheduled at particular time that will be schifted while the time zone change

2. ABAP Logic in BW transformation/routines/formulas/user exits/DTP(Ipacks) filters - which deals with system field related to time zone (e.g. sy-datlo, sy-tzone, sy-zonlo, etc.)

3. Loads notification delays – in case there is a workflow in place that notifies user about progress of loads. In case email/sms that must arrive on time and that time might change by the time zone shift..

4. BWA/HANA rollups delays – also if particular rollup must be on time makes sure that that time doesn’t change

5. Broadcast runs – similar as in point no 4

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