Thursday, November 3, 2016

Intermediate result of APD process

APD or Analysis Process Designer is tool within classic BW used to model analysis processes.  The process itself has a purpose of data calculation and data transformations for an analytic application in the BW. The processes build in the tool can read and merge data from data sources in the BW system, different transformations can be connected, etc. The result data can be stored into the DSO objects in the BW.

Now while I mention saving of the results of the ADP process… Actually one can see the results w/o running whole APD leveraging of functionality of “Intermediate Results”. This is available on right click perfumed on particular process (node). The intermediate results are then stored into temporary transparent table with naming convention like: /BIC/000APR e.g. /BIC/000APR00002. The table can be viewed e.g. in t-code SE11.

Now there is handy icon appearing next to the process (node) indicating that it has the intermediate results data stored. 

In case you do not need to the intermediate results have in the table you can delete it via function called “Clean Up temporary table” available under menu Environment in t-code RSANWB.


  1. Hello Martin,

    Thank you very much for your blog. I have a question about APD. I would like to know where ABAP code is saved. Do you know the table contain this data?

    Thanks in advanced.

  2. hi Miquel,

    ABAP code fo APD process routines is saved in table RSANT_PROCESS. There is an field called XML that stores also all other settings of the APD among the ABAP routine if there is a any. However is teh name of the field suggest it is stored in XML format and also while you would be browsing it is to displayed completely as it is chopped. You would need to decode it from the XML format to human readable format first.


  3. Hi Martin,

    Thanks very much for your help. I didn't see all the information in table RSANT_PROCESS-XML. I have checked the field with command 'CS' in ABAP program.

    Good job.


  4. hi Miquel,

    as I wrote in my previous comment you need first to "decode" contect of XML field as it is stored in the table. I prepared small example on how to do it. See my blog post: Hot to read data in XML form-via-abap for that.

