Monday, March 7, 2016

A little about InfoPackage / DTP prefixes and BW data request's prefixes

In this post I try to sum up brief information on topic of different InfoPackage and DTPs prefixes. In addition I’m also providing information on BW’s data request numbers prefixes.

InfoPack prefixes:
ZPAK_* - custom developed InfoPack
0PAK_* - InfoPackage activated from BI Content
0GRU_* - BI Content InfoPackage groups, assignment of InfoPacks into Group is in table RSPAKPOS
0GRU_* - custom InfoPackage groups
PRNR_* - automatic update from the PSA into the data targets
INFO_* - InfoPackage for BW-WHM runtime statistics, used on old BW systems(below version 3.x)

DTP prefixes:
DTP_* - regular DTP, has corresponding DTP request ID with naming convention: DTPR_*     
D* - in general any the DTP ID can start with just D prefix
DTPR_SIMULATION    - not real the DTP run, only debug run of the DTP = debugging DTP

Request numbers prefixes:

- General prefixes:
REQU_* - generic request ID created by run of InfoPackage, any request that can be displayed in tcode RSRQ
DTPR_* - generic request ID created by run of the DTP
REBU_* - rebuilding request, it is not real (independent) request, it is the request that has not yet written any RSSELDONE entry, it cannot be displayed in monitor, because it is only number under which an additional rebuilding monitor log for normal load requests is stored.
APO_R* or APO_* - request for APO Demand Planning data, InfoProvider is switched to transactional behavior

- DSO/ODS relevant prefixes:
ODSR_* - ODS activation request or the request loaded from change log of an upstream ODS object using a "Reconstruction" function
ODSA_* - change log activation prefix
ODSU_* - change log update prefix

- Other request prefixes: 
STOR_* - reversal of a request
ARCH_* - requests generated by Data Archiving Processes (tcode RSDAP)

- Request prefixes not more used anymore (as of BW version 3.0B) prefixes:
MDMT_* - generated by master data maintenance functions of BW
R3RD_* - similar as above
RNDI_* - load of master data or text for characteristic using 'RSNDI API' functions

SPOK_* - looks like it was related to InfoSpoke functions

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